Main Page

the Acts and Pages of


a guide for fans of
the web adventure

documented by

Rafe Saltman

email Rafe

art and excerpts
from Homestuck

© 2009-2016

Andrew Hussie

Act 1

Act 2

Act 3


Act 4















Act 7

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4
Act 6 Act 5 thumbnail

Act 6 Act 5

Of Gods and Tricksters

Act 6 Intermission 5


Spoilers ahead!
Act 6 Intermission 5 thumbnail
first page 5512, November 28 2012 pages 731
last page 6242, April 14 2013 words in text 69 123
no recap words in media 4124
adventure map checkpoints

Page 7412  Page 7420 Page 7443 Page 7459 Page 7472 Page 7505
Page 7527 Page 7555 Page 7596 Page 7611 Page 7663
Page 7678 Page 7720 Page 7748 Page 7768 Page 7790

Page 7827  Page 7839 Page 7866 Page 7897 Page 7924 Page 7962
Page 7998 Page 8044 Page 8092 Page 8123 Page 8131

they wait

Five months pass in the Alpha session.

Jane, Jake, Roxy, and Dirk make no real game progress. They explore the Medium a little, but the skeletons populating their lands are hard to kill and don’t yield enough grist. The Nobles spend what little they find on alchemy and totally neglect their server duties. 153 days into the Sburb Alpha session, their houses are no closer to the Seven Gates than they were at entry.

Then again, they are in a void session with no way to do the Ultimate Alchemy. Their incipisphere has no Battlefield, no frogs, and no Forge. Why try to reach Skaia when there is nothing at the centre? Thanks to Calliope and the long-extinct consorts, the Nobles know they have to wait for four more heroes to join their game before they can win. So they wait.

The clown who once greeted Jane at her house has travelled to the other kids’ houses and wrought more mischief with their sprites. He threw Eridan and Sollux’s bodies into Jake’s kernelsprite, making Erisolsprite. He threw Feferi and Nepeta’s bodies into Roxy’s kernelsprite, dashing Roxy’s hopes of making Momsprite from the paradox slime she collected in the lab. And on Lotak, Dirk’s vigilance and dwindling stock of orange soda bribes are all that stand between his unprototyped sprite and the last dismembered troll body in Gamzee’s “chest of whimsy.”

they fall apart

Jake has had enough of dating Dirk and has slipped home to Lomax. He calls up Jane, who is decorating cakes for her sweet sixteen at Roxy’s house. Jake pours his heart out to Jane after ignoring her for weeks and forgetting her birthday invitation. It is painful for Jane to entertain the rambling, egotistical “relationship woes” of a boy who still cannot see that she has feelings of her own. She blows up at him, smashes some stuff, and runs away to Locah.

At home, Jane’s misery increases when Caliborn jeers her out of the blue. Caliborn has started finding keys that unlock the video antenna towers in his dead session. These towers reward him with views of the Alpha session that he and Calliope were never able to see in the Trollian viewport. After seeing many of Jane’s private moments, Caliborn tells her how pleased he is to see her get fat while her Dad gets brutalized and killed in Derse jail. This is a lie, calculated to tip Jane into despair. Dad Crocker is fine. He is enjoying cushy VIP treatment and social media stardom on Derse because the Draconian Dignitary admires his businesslike fashion sense. But Jane doesn’t know that.

Meanwhile, a second human gets put in jail. When Jane leaves Roxy alone with GCat, the First Guardian teleports Roxy straight to its master, the Condesce. Roxy falls to Derse from a great height and gets knocked out.

Now that she has no dreamself, Roxy starts dreaming in a bubble. In her dream, she recalls writing Wizardy Herbert, a self-parodying novel about children at a magic summer camp, Herbert and Beatrix, who recognize that they are inside a story that represents little Roxy’s earliest attempts at Complacency fanfiction.

Disguised as Twinkly Herbert the firefly, Calliope’s ghost enters the dream and leads Roxy into a silent sanctuary where she has been hiding ever since she died. Calliope greets Roxy wearing her trollsona. She is uncomfortable being a cherub and would rather be a troll.

Callie reports that her brother has become Lord English. He is chasing an army of ghosts around the Furthest Ring, hoping to find and annihilate her soul. There are rumours that the Calliope he is looking for is one who predominated and died in a doomed timeline. Callie thinks she should look for this other Calliope too. But for now, she is just hiding.

Callie tells Roxy to focus on her game session. She says Roxy and the other Nobles should go die in their quest crypts in order to reach the god tiers and prevail in the next day’s battle.

At this point, a dreaming Rose stumbles across Callie and Roxy’s bubble. Callie panics, fearing the Seer of Light will draw attention to her hiding place. She shooes Rose and Roxy out to the waking world before they can get acquainted.

Roxy wakes in a jail cell on Derse. She learns that Betty Crocker has a job for her. The Courtyard Droll gives Roxy the Black Queen’s ring of orbs nofold, presumably to boost her voidy powers so she can do this job. But the job is stupid and impossible and Roxy is not willing to help the cruel Batterwitch.

Wearing the ring, Roxy learns how to become invisible and immaterial. She sneaks out of the hag slammer. While walking around unseen by the Dersites, she messages her co-players to tell them about god tiering. Alas, she is invisible online too. None of the kids read her messages.

On Lotak, Lil Hal wants to be put into the kernelsprite, but Dirk is not inclined to honour his promise. Dirk thinks his AI self already sabotages his relationships and controls his life too much without sprite powers. In his bitterness, Dirk comes close to killing the Auto Responder. By the time he backs down, Gamzee has gotten to the kernelsprite first. But Equiusprite can receive one more prototyping, so Dirk throws AR in anyway, making Arquiusprite.

Arquiusprite loves being strong and loves horses. Why horses? Is it supposed to be ironic or something, that his very desire is to be in the proximity of some horses? Just think it over. Think it over.

they get suckered

Caliborn jeers Jake with the stated aim of grooming a worthy adversary. Caliborn says it is inevitable that the Lord of Time will come to dominate all of existence, no matter how much he must suffer and toil first. The Page of Hope, on the other hand, is worthless by default and must be given a free powerup before he can hope to challenge the Lord.

Caliborn gives Jake the code for his old juju, a wondrous object that cannot be duplicated. It will leave Caliborn’s possession once it is created somewhere else. When combined with his sister’s juju, its beneviolent effect will be great indeed. Caliborn would have combined them himself but found Calliope’s half missing. Instead, he parts with his half after welcoming an even better juju into his life, the fluffy false man Lil Cal, which Gamzee dug out of the dead dry Earth. Caliborn has bonded with the puppet. He knows someday, somehow, he will use Lil Cal to inflict his hideous soul on everybody who ever shares a universe with it.

Jake doesn’t want Caliborn’s hand-me-downs. He passes the code on to Jane. At the same time, Jane receives a single message from Calliope. Before Calliope died, she followed a suggestion from Skaia’s cloud visions and sent the miserable birthday girl the code for her old juju. So Jane finds herself holding both codes.

Jane reads these messages on the only communicator she has left, a Crockercorp tiaratop, which makes her available to the Baroness’s tacky style of mind control. She throws off the tiara in disgust, but she doesn’t break it like she broke her other devices.

Jane makes the juju items. They are both lollipops, and they fuse together forming a sucker coloured with a red and green spiral. Jane is irresistably drawn to lick it. The juju’s asshole candy magic turns her into Trickster Jane, superpowered and super peachy.

Trickster Jane flies from Locah to Lomax and spreads the enchantment to Jake. He becomes Trickster Jake. Then they take Erisolsprite with them to Derse and infect Roxy. She becomes Trickster Roxy.

Roxy is alcoholic. She has carefully stayed sober for months despite living in a house full of booze. But as Trickster Roxy, she instantly falls off the wagon. When she takes Jane and Jake home to pick up Fefetasprite, the Tricksters and the tag-along Courtyard Droll all get shitfaced and throw bottles around.

The last stop on their candy giggle rampage is Lotak, where they turn Dirk into Trickster Dirk. But unlike the others, Dirk’s mind is not altered by the juju magic. Even after succumbing to the fabled peachbirth trance of the jokebollocks, he is still unhappy and unable to pretend that all his personal problems have been solved.

Arquiusprite meets Fefetasprite and has a pang of guilt for causing Nepeta’s death. But his apology to the Nepeta half goes even worse than Erisolsprite’s apology to the Feferi half. Their bickering makes Fefetasprite explode.

The Tricksters alchemize a bunch of zilly weapons from cherubim folklore including a Warhammer that ends up with John during his session, a couple of zilly rapping robots, and a disgusting surfeit of zilly Santa figurines.

they come to

Whatever else the kids do under the Trickster influence goes unrecorded. Caliborn next sees them suffering the aftereffects. This upsets him, because he loved the Tricksters and wanted to see everything they did. With a bit of teamwork, a concept new to the antisocial child, he and Gamzee unlock the next two monitors. They combine their chucklevoodoos to send a care package to Archagent Jack Noir in the kids’ session, who is still in jail on Prospit.

The Nobles come to in their quest crypts. Dirk and Roxy are in the crypt of Derse’s moon. Jake and Jane are in the crypt of Prospit’s moon. They are lying on sacrificial slabs bearing the symbols of Heart, Void, Hope, and Life, and they have hangovers.

They all know they must die on their slabs in order to rise up, but the only thing they kill is time. They proceed to have the most uncomfortable long-distance feelings jam in the history of Paradox Space. Due to regrets and hand wringing, some of them aren’t talking to each other. Jane and Dirk look back on the Jakestakes which divided them. Jake agonizes to Roxy about being a bad friend and a coward. Roxy opens up to Jane about her struggle with drink and to Jake about her fruitless pursuit of Dirk. Dirk praises Roxy for being the strongest of them all.

It becomes clear that the Nobles’ enemies will slay them before they do it themselves. Jack Noir’s care package contains Crowbar’s crowbar and the instance of Lil Cal that Gamzee gave to the Droll when he arrived in the kids’ session. When Jack looks into Lil Cal’s eyes, he is hypnotized and undergoes a completely bonkers transformation. He cuts his eyes out and puts Cal’s eyes in his sockets. They change into Lord English’s table stickball eyes. Jack saws off his shackled leg, glows with weird power, vaporizes half of Prospit around him, and emerges wielding the crowbar. Then he turns his crazy bastard gaze towards Prospit’s moon and fires his mouth laser. Meanwhile, the Condesce turns her psionic tyrant gaze towards Derse’s moon and fires her eye lasers. Prospit’s moon and Derse’s moon blow up. The life lanterns on Locah blow up.

The kids die and ascend to godhood. Jane rises up as the Maid of Life. Jake rises up as the Page of Hope. Roxy rises up as the Rogue of Void. Dirk rises up as the Prince of Heart.

they suckas

Jade and John’s three-year voyage is over. Their battleship bursts through the fourth wall that Jake left at the Slab of the Jaded Fool’s Ennui. Jade restores the Prospitian battleship to its proper size and sets it down on Lomax. The sprites disembark and fly out into the Medium. Casey, the Viceroy Bubbles Von Salamancer, raises an army of amphibian skeletons for a purpose only to be seen much later.

Now that she is back in a session, Jade can teleport again. She goes straight to the exploded remains of Prospit to meet her post-scratch parents. Finding the Archagent lunging at Jane and Jake with maniac intent, Jade stops Jack and teleports him to the edge of the Furthest Ring, where he will not trouble anyone for some time.

This is when the Condesce springs her trap. The troll queen inflicts a mixture of psychic powers on Jade, who has been part dog and susceptible to bronze-blooded animal communion since merging with Becsprite. Jade goes grimbark and falls under Condy’s command. Jade locates the Crockercorp tiaratop and teleports it right onto Jane’s head. The device corrupts Jane and flips her cuckoo fruitcake switch.

From this moment on, Jade and Jane obey Her Imperious Condescension.

Among the exploded remains of Derse’s moon, Dirk and Roxy face the Condesce herself. But before Dirk can close the distance, Jade appears and teleports him to the edge of the Furthest Ring, where he will not trouble anyone for some time. Roxy makes no move. Meanwhile, Jane plants a spanking haymaker on Jake’s old breadbasket and hauls his ass away.

Jade and Jane stick Roxy and Jake in separate jail cells on Derse.

they set sail

Where is John in all this? He’s fast asleep on the battleship, having a lengthy and informative dream. He meets Vriska again in the Furthest Ring.

Evidently, Vriska’s ministrife with Meenah ended in a draw, because they have combined their ghost army plans and are working together with Aranea. It’s still mostly Vriska’s plan. Meenah is happy as long as she gets to say she’s in charge. Aranea has given up her search for the ghost of Calliope, but it is convenient for the trio that their enemy seems to think he will find Calliope by following them.

The Serkets are mindjacking some troll ghost suckers and using the resulting crowds as bait to draw Lord English to areas of the Ring where his terrible ghost-killing breath will crack space and fill the gaps in Vriska’s treasure maps. They have sacrificed thousands of ghosts in this way. Soon they will reach the treasure, which they hope to use as a weapon against the unstoppable Lord of Time.

When John finds them, their treasure hunt has taken on a fun petticoat seagrift theme. Their pirate buddies include Tavros, Nepeta, and Feferi. Aradia and Sollux are also on board as specialists. Sollux is now fully alive after Erisolsprite took his dead half. John spends his whole dream sailing with the gamblignants, hearing their news and stories.

they play a game

During the last leg of their voyage, Aranea tells what she knows about the origin of Lord English.

Aranea begins by describing the cosmic, caliginous, serpentine mating dance of adult cherubim. One cherub, after losing to its mate, laid an egg on the dead dry Earth and then flew away. Earth had been relocated to another universe. It now orbited a star nearing supernova. From the egg hatched Calliope and Caliborn. Like other cherubim, their personalities divided in infancy and began to vie for dominance over their body. But here the cherub norms ended.

For two reasons, Cal’s childhood was not typical of their species. First, there was an enigmatic acolyte on Earth who prepared for their arrival, cared for them, and then locked them in a room for most of their lives. Second, they were fated to play Sburb, the game in which universes procreate. Such a willful creature as Caliborn would upset the balance of all Paradox Space if he were allowed to play this game, and so he did.

(Aranea does not know that the acolyte was Gamzee, or that he followed Caliborn into the Medium and served him there too.)

Caliborn predominated over Calliope, who had hoped in vain that they would play together. Instead, Caliborn played alone. He entered a dead session, the most solitary and empty and unwinnable kind.

After a bunch of tedium, Caliborn made it to his denizen, Yaldabaoth. The god of monsters offered Caliborn the most radical choice any player could make: either magnanimous martyrdom, or constant conquest.

When Caliborn chose the path of the conqueror, he was forced to prove himself in a unique challenge. His Medium became a game of eight-ball pool. After three planets sank in the break, his task was to pocket the remaining twelve by propelling them into the singularity that was once Skaia. Each conquered planet rewarded him with a baize-skinned leprechaun servant with silly time powers, and so by pocketing all the planets he assembled his entourage, The Felt.

(Aranea does not know that Caliborn continued to talk to the Author and badger him with questions about The Felt throughout the pool game.)

Winning the pool game unlocked Caliborn’s true land, the Land of Colours and Mayhem, where he would tool up and then face his denizen again. By defeating Yaldabaoth in battle, Caliborn earned the seemingly impossible boons of immortality and limitless power. His soul was then channeled into a juju that would bring unfathomable evil and destruction to any realm in which it materialized.

(There are critical gaps in Aranea’s knowledge of this last part. It’s all revealed in the next Act Act.)

they spelunk

The path to the treasure ends in a memory of a green skull cave. The pirate crew disembark and enter the cave.

On the way in, Aranea tries to tell a story about a pair of legendary rings whose fates are intertwined. The Ring of Void was a Black Queen’s ring of orbs nofold whose wearer could vanish into obscurity. The Ring of Life, first discovered by travelers in a desert, could bring ghosts back to life.

At this point, Vriska has a dramatic outburst that derails Aranea’s story and causes one of the most mindless amporatry slams in the history of Paradox Space. Vriska was in a memory of sand and zephyr when she rejected the Author’s marriage proposal. Tavros and John later found the Author’s ring in the same spot. Vriska realizes now that the place and the object match Aranea’s description. She almost had the Ring of Life herself.

Vriska grills Tavros and orders him to help her look for the ring again. Tavros gets fed up with her unpleasantness and quits the expedition. Sollux, Nepeta, and Feferi follow his lead, ollying outie while Vriska curses their mutiny.

John reveals that he has the Ring of Life in the waking world. It came with him when he woke up last time. But he disappoints Vriska by not agreeing to give it to her. He doesn’t like how she has trashed the afterlife to find this treasure, and he would rather decide freely what to do with the ring.

Playtime is over. Vriska throws off her captain’s overcoat, defends her actions as the greater good on a scale beyond measuring—Lord English destroys universes, remember?—and leads them the rest of the way to the treasure.

Kurloz Makara picks up the overcoat.

they open the box

Vriska explains why they have been seeking this particular juju. It is a bit of loot that English got for slaying his denizen. He used it only once as a weapon. After that, it could only be used against him, so he buried it in the void where he thought it would not be found. Vriska doesn’t know what it could be, but she hopes to wield it against Lord English and kill him for good.

Meenah, Aranea, Aradia and John watch as Vriska opens the chest and dumps the treasure out. It’s a hole in canon, shaped like the Sburb house logo. Vriska says she invited Aradia to help move it with her rust-blooded telekinesis because it is intangible.

This piques John’s curiosity. He tries touching the house juju and puts his hand all the way through it. John’s arm retroactively appears in many places throughout the Homestuck canon, even in meta-fictions like the Midnight Crew adventure and the Mad Snacks Yo video game. Other characters never seem to notice the disembodied arms.

Before John can retrieve his arm from the house thing, he gets blurry and disappears, denying Meenah the coveted three-pointed hat trick. His sleeping body also disappears from the couch on the battleship.

John begins to travel through canonspace. He retroactively appears on the sidelines of several scenes in the Homestuck canon, even in meta-fictions. He is in each place for only a moment before disappearing and jumping to the next. He can’t control the jumps.

Caliborn has recruited the last Felt member, Cans. He reaches the eight ball in his game of pool with planets when he is first haunted by the blue male hero ghost. At least, that is how Caliborn regards John for some reason. John isn’t a ghost. They stare each other down until Cans clocks John out of frame.

they reunite

John reappears on Lomax and catches a break from his involuntary canon hopping. He gets his bearings and realizes he has arrived in the post-scratch Medium. He rests at the Slab of the Jaded Fool’s Ennui.

Rose, Dave, Karkat, Kanaya, Terezi, Gamzee, and the Mayor’s three-year voyage is over. The meteor flies out of the Furthest Ring and into the Medium at great speed. Gamzee is the only player who is ready to go where destiny will take him. The others are woefully unequipped for what they will face in this session.

Worst off are Rose and Terezi, whose decisions have led to substance abuse and clouded their abilities. Rose became alcoholic and in denial about it. Terezi fell into kismesissitude with the unruly jester, who hooked her on the sweet drink and eroded her self-esteem. After she got Aranea to restore her eyesight the next time they met, Terezi regretted fixing what was never broken. At age sixteen, the Seers are a mess.

Everyone is on the roof, debating how to get off the rock, when Grimbark Jade surprises them with the answer. She teleports them all to Lomax and they fall on the grass next to John—all except Gamzee, who remains on the meteor. John is thrilled to finally see his friends.

they converge

Five more characters are converging on the Medium from four directions, and three of them are Jack Noir. First, the Sovereign Slayer has been flying behind the meteor for three years, the Prospitian Monarch hot on his heels. They still wear the fourfold rings that give them Bec’s powers and loyalty to Jade. Second, Dirk and the Archagent corrupted by Lil Cal are flying back from where Jade dumped them outside the Incipisphere. Third, the cyborg Spades Slick is rocketing into town carrying the Golden Cuestaff and the entire Felt. What?

After the Author threw him into the sea, Spades Slick climbed back into Hussie’s house. Slick finds his caregiver shot to death by Lord English, who tossed the murder weapon and left. Slick picks up the weapon and finds the Author’s servant, Ms. Paint.

Ms. Paint retrieves Slick’s personals, among which is Die’s voodoo doll. The doll moves you to a different timeline when you remove a pin or stick one in. The corresponding Felt member will be dead in this timeline if his pin is in the doll, alive if not. Slick gets the idea of using Lord English’s own gang against him. He pulls every pin except Snowman’s. The Felt stand before him and accept his command. He appoints Ms. Paint as their new eight ball. A centaur butler lusus tags along too.

Spades Slick and his new crew climb through the Fifth Wall between the Author’s place and the ruin of Doc Scratch’s apartment. Scratch’s home is not a comfortable base of operations now that it’s inside the Green Sun, so Crowbar leads Slick to the judgment clock, which doubles as an emergency exit.

Slick loads the entire gang into Biscuits’s oven and steps through the clock. He opens the other side and pops out of a ~ATH server box in the Furthest Ring. He spots the glow of Skaia in the distance and blasts off toward it.

we run out

Disc 2 of Homestuck runs out of content and spins down. There is no Disc 3. No more of Homestuck can be told until another source of content is found. Caliborn laughs wickedly at our predicament. In Act 6 Act 6, Caliborn will fully control the narrative medium he once unlocked, and he will use it to replace Homestuck with a story of his own making.

Act 6–5 by date posted
datepagescenes and eventsadventure log
November 28 2012 5512

Act 6 Act 5.

Cinematic 84: Page of the Jaded Fool’s Ennui.

[S] ACT 6 ACT 5

November 29 2012 5513

Jake runs from Dirk’s overbearing romance.

Jake: Examine incoming message.



Jake: Solicit profound wisdom from your friendly guide.

November 30 2012 5517

Jane and Roxy decorate.




Jake: Pester Jane.

December 1 2012 5521

Jake forgets Jane’s birthday.

Jane: Answer.






December 2 2012 5527

Jane gets real tired of Jake’s shit.




December 3 2012 5530

Jane has a tantrum.




December 4 2012 5533

Jane goes home.

GCat teleports Roxy…




Jane: Abscond.





December 5 2012 5541

…into the clutches of the Condesce.






December 6 2012 5546

Caliborn jeers Jane about being able to see her.

Jane: Ollie outie.





Jane: Answer.



December 8 2012 5554

Caliborn tortures Jane with news of Dad.




Jane: Keep absconding.


December 9 2012 5559

The Dignitary lets the paperwork pile up.

DD: Examine sleazy Dersite rag.



December 10 2012 5562

The Dignitary visits Dad.

DD: Observe Nobles.


DD: Check on prisoner.


DD: Proceed to solitary confinement suite.


December 11 2012 5568

They check Serious Business.

DD: Ask what prisoner is doing.


December 12 2012 5570

The Condesce puts the kibosh on their prissy hat chat nonsense.



December 13 2012 5572

Roxy returns to her fanfiction.

Years in the future...




Roxy: Examine wizardfic journal.

December 14 2012 5577

Roxy reads Wizardy Herbert.

Roxy: Open to random page.

Roxy: Jump ahead a little.

Roxy: Skip to the end.

Roxy: Doint write whilt dronk.


Roxy: Answer UU.

December 15 2012 5583

Calliope arrives disguised as Serenity.


Roxy: Look out window.









Roxy: Say hello.



Roxy: Exit room.

Roxy: Examine painting.

December 16 2012 5598

Calliope leads Roxy out of her house memories…



Roxy: Continue.




Roxy: Go through.



December 17 2012 5607

…and into a void sanctuary.







Roxy: Turn around.

December 18 2012 5614

Calliope tells of her brother’s hunt.



December 19 2012 5616

Calliope urges Roxy to ascend and beat the game.





December 20 2012 5620

Rose joins them in the sanctuary.

Roxy: Turn around again.



December 21 2012 5623

Calliope wakes them.

The Condesce gives Roxy an impossible mission.




Roxy: Succumb to powerful anti-sleep majyyks.

Roxy: Examine folder.

Roxy: Inspect briefing.


Roxy: Examine door.

December 22 2012 5631

The Droll helps Roxy break out of Derse.

Roxy fails to pester Dirk.



Roxy: Examine gift.

CD: Do happy umbrella dance.

Roxy: Pester Dirk.



December 25 2012 5638

Auto Responder asks Dirk to prototype him, but Gamzee gets to the sprite first. Their prototypings create Arquiusprite or, as I like to call him…

Lil Hak.

Cinematic 85: Hoofbeasts.
















Dirk: Fuck it.

Shades: Descend.

[S] Ride.

December 27 2012 5656

Lil Hak admires himself.

Dirk: Solicit profound wisdom from your friendly guide.


December 28 2012 5658

Roxy fails to pester Jake.

Roxy: Pester Jake.









December 30 2012 5667

Caliborn jeers Jake about jacking his swagger.

Jake: Answer.


Jake: Ok, answer this guy instead.




January 2 2013 5673

Caliborn finds Lil Cal.





January 3 2013 5677

Caliborn communes with Lil Cal in a personal and intimate way.







January 4 2013 5683

Jane laments.

Jane: Return home.

Jane: Reminisce.

Jane: Solicit profound wisdom from hallway Cera.

Jane: Give Cera beagle puss.

January 5 2013 5687

Jake and Calliope give Jane the juju codes.

Jane: Enter room.

Jane: Examine wall Tobias.

Jane: Examine wall Swanson.


Jane: Answer.



Jane: ... Answer, you guess.





January 6 2013 5699

Roxy fails to pester Jane.

Roxy: Pester Jane.



January 8 2013 5702

Jane makes and succumbs to the Spiral Sucker.

Cinematic 86: Trickster Mode.

Jane: Alchemize Calliope's juju.


Jane: Alchemize Caliborn's juju.


Jane: Examine jujus.





[S] Jane: Engage.

January 9 2013 5712

Cinematic 87: Land of Candy and Helium.


[S] Jane: Blast off.

January 11 2013 7613

Act 6 Act 5 Act 2.

Silent film 31: Curtains, Zillified.

Pseudogame 23: Squiddles and Cals.

Jane zillifies the inhabitants of Stupidity Kingdom on her way to see Jake on Lomax.


[S] ACT 6 ACT 5 ACT 2






January 12 2013 7620

Pseudogame 24: Deploy the Crocker.

Jane contaminates Jake.







January 13 2013 7626

Pseudogame 25: Help Jane Investigate.

[S] ==>

January 14 2013 7627

Jane and Jake fly to Derse for Roxy.





January 15 2013 7631

Silent film 32: Marco.

Silent film 33: Polo.








January 16 2013 7638

Jake contaminates Roxy.

Pseudogame 26: Help Jake Tug.



[S] ==>

January 17 2013 7641

Dad disapproves.

The tricksters fly to Lopan for booze.





January 18 2013 7645

Erisolsprite tries to reconcile with Fefetasprite.




January 19 2013 7648

The tricksters fly to Lotak.






January 21 2013 7653

Roxy contaminates Dirk.







January 22 2013 7659

Pseudogame 27: Help Dirk Escape to the Side.

Erisolsprite and Lil Hak tear Fefetasprite apart.

[S] ==>




January 24 2013 7663

Cinematic 88: The Zilly Tree.

Cinematic 89: Stupidity Kingdom.

The tricksters alchemize the zilly weapons of legend.

[S] Tricksters: Alchemize.

[S] ==>








January 25 2013 7672

Ambient 7: Zilly Santas.

Cinematic 90: The Kringlekris of Zillyzoom.

No curtains.


Oh, oh! Do a fancy santa.






January 26 2013 5779

Cinematic 91: Double Clang.


[FUCK YOU!] ==>

January 28 2013 5781

Hussie scolds Caliborn for giving the kids magic candy.

Cinematic 92:Teamwork.
The Nobles lie hungoverin their Quest Crypts.



Caliborn: Break glass.




[S] Caliborn + Gamzee: Engage.

==> ==>

==> ==>

==> ==>

==> ==>

==> ==>

==> ==>

January 29 2013 5794
The Nobles exhibitpathetic cowardice.

==> ==>

==> ==>

==> ==>

==> ==>

==> ==>

==> ==>

February 2 2013 5800
The Nobles pester eachother about regrets.
Gamzee and the Drollsend Jack a care package.
Jack dares to fondly gaze intoLil Cal’s sparkling baby blues.
Caliborn remakes Jackin his own image.

Jack’s jailbreakdestroys Prospit.

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February 6 2013 5822
Dirkpraises Roxy.
Condy destroysDerse’s moon.
Jack destroysProspit’s moon.

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February 8 2013 5844

The Nobles diein their Quest Crypts.
The life lanterns simply cannottake this much horseshit.
Dirk rises up to godhoodas the Prince of Heart.
Jane rises up to godhoodas the Maid of Life.
Jake rises up to godhoodas the Page of Hope.
Roxy rises up to godhoodas the Rogue of Void.

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February 9 2013 5858
Dirk and Roxyface Condy.
Jane and Jakeface Jack.

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February 10 2013 5864

Jade arrives, removes Jack,and greets her ectoparents.

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February 16 2013 5884

Condy makes Jadegrimbark.
Jade puts the tiaratop on Jane.Jane obeys, submits, and consumes.
Dirk attacks the Condesce.Jade teleports him away.
Jade and Jane dragRoxy and Jake to Derse.

)(IC: Spring trap x2 combo.

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February 16 2013 5927

Act 6 Intermission 5.

Three years have passed on the meteor, and the new session is near.


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February 17 2013 5930

Karkat trolls Dave about their approach.

[A6I5] ==>

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February 18 2013 5935

They discuss friendship decay.

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February 19 2013 5938

Caliborn recruits Itchy and Doze.

[A6I5] ==>



February 20 2013 5941

The battleship lands on Lomax. The sprites disperse. John sleeps.

Caliborn recruits Trace and Clover.

[A6I5] ==>

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February 21 2013 5948

John dreams and visits Vriska’s bubble.

[A6I5] ==>

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February 24 2013 5953

Vriska, Meenah, and Aranea’s treasure hunt in the Furthest Ring has described what is described in certain circles as "a circle".

English has pursued them, completing a ring of cracked space around the Green Sun.

[A6I5] ==>

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February 26 2013 5956

The spidertrolls raise a ghost army as bait for English’s rampage.

[A6I5] ==>

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February 27 2013 5958

Aranea tells of the cherubim.

[A6I5] ==>

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March 7 2013 5961

A benevolent cherub predominates and seeks a malevolent mate.

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March 9 2013 5969

They turn into snakes and mate. The malevolent cherub, defeated, lays its egg on a dead planet orbiting a red giant. That planet is Earth.

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March 10 2013 5977

Meenah takes a gaper break.

Cinematic 93: Interfishin.

[A6I5] ==>

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March 12 2013 5982

Aranea tells of the cherub that hatched on Earth.


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March 14 2013 5990

Caliborn predominates and enters a dead session.

Ambient 8: Audience with Yaldabaoth.

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March 15 2013 5998

Skaia breaks, launching Caliborn into a game of pool with planets.

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March 16 2013 6006

Vriska interrupts Aranea’s charming exposition on felt romance.

[A6I5] ==>

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March 17 2013 6008

Aranea knows Vriska’s admiration is fake.

[A6I5] ==>

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March 18 2013 6015

Karkat wakes Terezi, whose eyes are now merely hornshot.

[A6I5] ==>

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March 19 2013 6017

Terezi confesses she let Aranea heal her eyesight.

[A6I5] ==>

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March 20 2013 6019

Terezi bemoans her degrading romance with Gamzee. Dave needles Karkat about property.

[A6I5] ==>

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March 21 2013 6022

Caliborn recruits Fin, Die and Crowbar.

The pirate buddies find a green skull cave.



[A6I5] ==>

March 22 2013 6025

Aradia explains why she is tagging along.

[A6I5] ==>

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March 23 2013 6031

Silent film 34: Story Time.

Aranea tells of the Rings of Life and Void. Vriska connects the dots and flips out.

[A6I5] ==>

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March 24 2013 6037

Vriska welcomes two Cronuses to the jampora.

[A6I5] ==>

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March 25 2013 6040

Tavros, Sollux, Nepeta, and Feferi ollie outie.

Silent film 35: Ladies.

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March 26 2013 6047

John makes no promises.

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March 28 2013 6051

Vriska goes for the treasure.

[A6I5] ==>

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March 29 2013 6056

Rose, drunk, catalogues Can Town.

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March 30 2013 6058

Kanaya, fed up, knocks over the Libraray.

[A6I5] ==>

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March 31 2013 6061

Caliborn recruits Stitch, Sawbuck, and Matchsticks.

Cinematic 94: The Captain’s Coat.

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April 1 2013 6067

Meenah asks John to keep the ring to himself.

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April 2 2013 6073

Cinematic 95: ✵ Marks the Spot.

Vriska opens the treasure chest.

[S][A6I5] ==>

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[A6I5] Be Viceroy Bubbles Von Salamancer.

April 3 2013 6078

The spotlight shifts to someone who is not Vriska.

[A6I5] VBVS: Do a silly dance.

[A6I5] VBVS: Retrieve arms from robe.

[A6I5] VBVS: Summon undead army.

April 4 2013 6081

Angered, Vriska hijacks the story and dumps the juju out of its chest. It’s a house-shaped hole in reality.

[A6I5] VBVS: Bonebone! Bonebone!!!

[A6I5] VBVS: Shield young amphibious ears from profanity.

[A6I5] ==>

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April 5 2013 6092

John reaches into the hole. His arm propagates throughout canonspace and then he vanishes with a flash.

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April 6 2013 6111

Caliborn recruits Eggs and Biscuits.


April 7 2013 6112

Spades Slick finds Hussie dead on the balcony. Ms Paint fetches Slick’s things, including the voodoo doll. Slick resurrects and takes charge of The Felt.


[A6I5] SS: Gaze over balcony at horizon.

[A6I5] SS: Inspect green torso.

[A6I5] SS: Take wand.

[A6I5] SS: Investigate.

[A6I5] SS: Equip.

[A6I5] SS: Search for English.

[A6I5] SS: Interrogate Ms. Paint.

[A6I5] SS: Inquire about personals.

[A6I5] SS: Follow.

[A6I5] Ms. Paint: Retrieve personals.

[A6I5] SS: Inspect personals.

[A6I5] SS: Take doll.

[A6I5] SS: Pull pins.

[A6I5] SS: Command minions.

April 8 2013 6127

Silent film 36: Everyone in the Oven.

Looking for a new hideout, Slick and The Felt step through the Fifth Wall into Doc Scratch’s apartment, which is now inside the Green Sun.

[A6I5] SS: Consult with brains of operation.

[A6I5] Crowbar: Lead gang back to hideout.

[A6I5] SS: Go through 5th wall.

[A6I5] SS: Exit this weird little girl's room.

[A6I5] Crowbar: Keep leading the way.

[A6I5] SS: After you.

[A6I5] SS: Open door.

[A6I5] SS: ...

[A6I5] SS: Never mind.

[A6I5] Crowbar: Proceed.

[A6I5] Crowbar: Show Slick exit.

[A6I5] SS: Punch clock.

[A6I5] SS: Wasn't there a guy with an oven?

[A6I5] SS: Everybody in.

[A6I5] SS: Take oven.

[A6I5] SS: Wait, before you go...

April 9 2013 6143

Slick carries The Felt into Scratch’s clock and finds himself in the nobles’ void session.

John vanishes from the Prospitian battleship and begins involuntarily zapping through canonspace. He sees the flying cork shelter on Earth and himself on Lowas.

[A6I5] SS: Exit.

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April 10 2013 6166

John continues zapping around. He sees Vriska in her hive, Jake kissing Dirk’s head, the Dolorosa on Alternia, Dirk's Bro slaying the Presidents, and a scene of Con Air.

John's strange ordeal through canonspace ends with an intense staredown with Caliborn. Cans clocks him out of it.

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April 11 2013 6205

John, reappearing on Lomax, discovers that he missed the arrival and everyone is gone. He rests at the Slab of the Jaded Fool’s Ennui.

Bec Noir and the Monarch follow the meteor rocketing into the void session.

[A6I5I6] ==>


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April 12 2013 6224

Karkat freaks out over the lack of brakes on this thing.

Grimbark Jade shows up.

[A6I5] ==>

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April 13 2013 6231

Cinematic 96: Heir of the Jaded Fool’s Ennui.


End of Year Four.

[S][A6I5] ==>

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April 14 2013 6237

Silent film 37: Remove Disc 2.

The Homestuck Portfolio runs out of game discs. Caliborn gloats.



Insert disc three.


