Main Page

the Acts and Pages of


a guide for fans of
the web adventure

documented by

Rafe Saltman

email Rafe

art and excerpts
from Homestuck

© 2009-2016

Andrew Hussie

Act 1

Act 2

Act 3


Act 4















Act 7

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4
Act 6 Act 6 Act 6 thumbnail

Act 6 Act 6 Act 6


Spoilers ahead!

first page 8087, April 5 2016 pages 40
last page 8126, April 12 2016 words in text
no recap words in media
adventure map checkpoints

Page 9987  Page 9989 Page 9998 Page 10009 Page 10018 Page 10022

boss battles

Act 6 Act 6 Act 6 is too short to need a separate synopsis. The update summary, below, describes the action in this Act.

Act 6 Act 6 Act 6 by date posted
datepagescenes and eventsadventure log
April 6 2016 8087

Act 6 Act 6 Act 6.

Cinematic 109: Collide.

Jane and the Nannas are ready to heal. Jasprose’s windows will move the healers between the fights in the session. Jane can resurrect each fighter once.

Davepeta, Aradia, and Sollux find the ghost army. Karkat moves first, charging fearlessly into Lord English’s double death beam. Karkat wakes up on Lofaf.

Strife begins on Derse. Rose, John, and Roxy play fraymotifs to clobber Condy with a Zazzerpan statue, whip her with wind, and pummel her with perfectly generic objects. Condy fights back with all the psionic powers that will avail her.

Strife begins on Lomax. Itchy and Stitch get the first hits in. Jake shoots Sawbuck and time-travels to several other moments in the fight. Arquiusprite joins, taunting Cans with quadrupedal automata and the fridge in which Gamzee is still locked. Cans clocks Jake, Arquius, and several Felt to Lofaf, where Clover humiliates Karkat, and again back to Lomax. Crowbar shoots and kills Jake.

The healing squad goes first to Derse, where Rose and Kanaya have died. Jane resurrects them while Jasprose distracts Condy. The fight on Derse reaches its most chaotic and madcap when Cans clocks Arquius and the fridge into it. Next, the healers go to Lomax and resurrect Jake. Everyone loves Nanna’s cookies. Jane stays to fight aside Jake. Casey von Salamancer’s skeleton army overruns the combatants.

Strife begins on Lotak, first between the Jacks. The three sides fight indiscriminately. Dave and Terezi play a fraymotif to anticipate and avert bad outcomes. Dirk tries to rip Lord Jack’s soul, but the Archagent is already too ripped with clockwork majyyks. Cans clocks Arquius and the fridge into their fight, then clocks Arquius back to Lofaf, leaving the fridge on Lotak.

Arquius and Cans end up on Derse in time to see Dad Crocker break out of jail. Dad pies Cans.

Strife begins in the ruin of Prospit between the chess dogs and in the bubble between Vriska and the Author.

Caliborn defeats Yaldabaoth and finds his reward: a judgment clock and a chest containing the weapon he will use in his masterpiece.

The Muse of Space reaches the Green Sun.

Serenity finds John on Derse, Jade on Prospit, Dave on Lotak, and Karkat on Lofaf, filling them with resolve. Finally, Serenity is reunited with the Vagabond.

Strife begins in the bubble between the ghost army and the constant conqueror. Lord English annihilates many ghosts. Meenah, Tavros, Aradia, and Davepeta put up a fight.

John, Roxy, Rose, and Kanaya regroup against Condy, who has choked Jane. Dave, Dirk, and Terezi renew the fight against the Jacks. They all take fearsome beatings, but they have come so far that they will not give up now.

Gamzee has been rattled around in the Crocker family fridge to the point of tears.

Jake, Karkat, and Dad Crocker vanquish The Felt.

To stop the chess dogs fighting, Jade teleports them from place to place and puts herself between them. They still have Bec’s loyalty and love of her. This may keep them from stabbing her, but not from using non-lethal methods. The Monarch punches Jade out and resumes her quest to neutralize the Slayer.

The Archagent gets Dirk in a hold with his crowbar. Spades Slick gets the Archagent in a hold with his cuestaff. Their heads are all lined up, so Dave takes the shot. He decapitates them and breaks the unbreakable katana in one blow. Then, for the first time since his old session, Dave uses time travel. He recovers Dirk’s head and body and evacuates Terezi from Lotak. Their enemies may be dead, but the Archagent’s cursed clockwork head is a bomb. It implodes into a black hole, taking the fridge and most of Lotak with it.

The Monarch cuts off the Slayer’s arm. He loses his ring and is Bec Noir no more. He gets the non-lethal methods too. He lands unconscious next to Jade.

The Batterwitch makes the fatal mistake of turning her back on Roxy, who impales her on Bro’s sword. Ding dong.


[S] Collide.


April 7 2016 8089

Nanna heals Jane and meets Dad Crocker. The Derse and Lotak teams return to the lilypad. Jane resurrects Dirk.







April 8 2016 8095

Jade wakes. Callie has made a new friend, and Jack Noir perhaps a new sweetheart, in Ms. Paint.







April 9 2016 8101

The Author, done hassling Vriska, gives Lord English the big thumbs down.

The Monarch finds the Vagabond and takes off her Ring of Orbs Fourfold. She wants both rings to be unmade in the Forge.












April 10 2016 8112

Jake, Karkat, Jade, and Callie come to the lilypad. They have joyful reunions all round.







April 11 2016 8118

Dad Crocker meets John, whose post-scratch self was Dad’s father.






April 12 2016 8123

The Monarch and Vagabond climb to the lip of the Forge.



