Main Page

the Acts and Pages of


a guide for fans of
the web adventure

documented by

Rafe Saltman

email Rafe

art and excerpts
from Homestuck

© 2009-2016

Andrew Hussie

Act 1

Act 2

Act 3


Act 4















Act 7

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4
Act 5 Act 2 thumbnail

Act 5 Act 2

He is already here.

Spoilers ahead!

first page 2626, September 19 2010 pages 1481
last page 4108, October 25 2011 words in text 155 299
recaps 3238, January 2 2011
4099, September 6 2011
words in media 24 349
adventure map checkpoints

Page 4526  Page 4567 Page 4626 Page 4658 Page 4692 Page 4740 Page 4787 Page 4827 Page 4869 Page 4906 Page 4935 Page 4979 Page 5019 Page 5072 Page 5118 Page 5172 Page 5221 Page 5264 Page 5314 Page 5338 Page 5379 Page 5420 Page 5465 Page 5513 Page 5559 Page 5595 Page 5644 Page 5660 Page 5720 Page 5760 Page 5774 Page 5795 Page 5836 Page 5874 Page 5902 Page 5919 Page 5943 Page 5953 Page 5961 Page 5973 Page 5981


This synopsis covers Act 5 Act 2, Cascade, and Intermission 2. Together, these parts of Homestuck tell how the kids and trolls spend the final hours of their sessions and how their universes die.

first contact

After an invincible demon with a bloody hand interrupts the trolls’ victory, they retreat to a mazelike laboratory in the Veil, the asteroid belt that surrounds the Medium. They hide there for just over ten hours while the demon lays waste to the troll incipisphere, flying to one planet after another and blowing them up in green fire. While the trolls are holed up, the demon will destroy all twelve of their personal lands, their Prospit, their Derse, and the creature that embodies their ultimate reward in Skaia.

Karkat gets his first close look at the demon when it flies to Prospit and kills the Prospit dreamselves. Later, when Karkat learns about the kids, he begins to piece together where the demon came from.

After witnessing Prospit’s destruction via smelloscope, Terezi gets an unexpected money transfer which Sollux traces to a donor inside the universe the trolls created. That donor is Dave, and that is how the trolls discover the kids.

Terezi’s position outside of the kids’ universe lets her use a chat client to observe the kids’ waking lives in the alpha timeline and troll them at any point with no regard for the arrow of time. At Karkat’s prodding, other trolls join in and make contact at many points in the kids’ lives. Because the two groups are chronologically sideways, their interactions are somewhat acausal and loopy.

The trolls are particularly drawn to the final day of the kids’ timeline. Their view of the kids’ session is cut off twenty-four hours after the Reckoning by a phenomenon called the Scratch.

Taking an interest in Dave’s advancement, Terezi trolls him intensively. She guides him to a crocodile stock market and persuades him to use his time travel loops to run a scam and get rich so he can send her the money she already received. They also draw comics for each other. It’s a cultural exchange.

Exploring his land, Dave finds the sword Caledfwlch in a stone and gets it out by breaking it in half. This provokes a wave of monsters to attack. Dave calls on Davesprite to protect him from Hephaestus’s minions and then abruptly falls asleep. After slaying the monsters, Davesprite flies away to John’s planet to help out Bro, who is being chased by the Sovereign Slayer.

the dreaming dead

Previously, Dream Jade died and Jade’s dreambot exploded, blowing up her bedroom. Thanks to a sweet catch by Bec, Jade lands outside on her bed and falls asleep again.

After Karkat and Jade’s dreamselves die, their dreams take place among the tentacled Gods who live in the Furthest Ring, the infinite warped spacetime between game sessions. On waking, Karkat warns the other trolls with dead dreamselves that they should not sleep, lest they have the same nightmares with the Horrorterrors.

Feferi, unafraid of the dream afterlife, defies Karkat. In Dream Feferi’s last moments, she speaks with the Gods and asks them to make an environment in the Furthest Ring where all the dreaming dead can meet. Then the demon comes to Derse and slays the Derse dreamselves.

ring recap

When the kids’ session started, the queens of Prospit and Derse each had a Ring of Orbs Fourfold which gave the wearer new features each time a kid entered the Medium, reflecting what the kids did with their kernelsprites. John, Rose, and Dave’s entries all added to the queens’ appearance and powers. Jade’s entry was still to come.

In Act 4, both queens lost their rings. Derse’s archagent Jack Noir took the Black Queen’s ring and would continue to use its powers throughout his multi-session rampage. Prospit’s ring was more finicky. It would change hands many times before being used again. The Parcel Mistress, the Courtyard Droll, and Dream Jade each had it briefly. After Dream Jade died when Prospit’s moon fell to Skaia, Dream John took the ring from her body, but that was only the beginning of its journey.

john wakes

Previously, John fell asleep in a lab in the Veil because his dreamself woke. When the Reckoning propelled the lab toward Skaia, the Authority Regulator strapped the sleeping boy to his rocket board and sent him back to the Land of Wind and Shade. The Regulator stayed in the lab. It fell through a Skaian defense portal and exiled him on Earth.

John lands on his planet without waking up. Taking an interest in John’s advancement, Vriska trolls him intensively.

Wandering the Battlefield with Liv Tyler the robot bunny, Dream John spots his Dad and Rose’s Mom. He rushes to meet them when he is woken and disappears in mid-leap, dropping the White Queen’s ring into a river. The Warweary Villein finds it downstream while mourning his comrades slain by Jack Noir. The Villein holds on to the ring but does not put it on.

Waking up on Lowas, John receives his Sburb server copy by parcel pyxis and rushes home to get Jade into the game. Rose’s server duties have made John’s house enormously tall. Going up, John finds Nannasprite far above his oily planet. She feeds John and makes him comfortable on a floating ghost bed while he gets ready to be Jade’s server player, unaware that the ocean of oil below him is now on fire.

jade plays

Feeling miserable after enduring dream death, nightmares, and crabman anger, Jade starts playing Sburb with John. A meteor of cataclysmic size, the one that will wipe out human life on Earth, has Jade’s island in its sights.

With ten minutes on the clock, Jade and John ponder what to put in Jade’s kernelsprite. Their choice will shape the minions, ring-wearers, and Battlefield of their session. Rose warns them to prototype something at all costs or they won’t be able to dig up a treasure that is found in the core of their session’s fully prototyped Battlefield.

Baffled by her entry item, Jade pesters Dave for help but a stupid crocodile answers instead.

John fumbles around with Grandpa’s trophies and then succumbs to a rogue nap before he can prototype anything. In his dream, he returns to Skaia and sees the Villein holding the ring he lost. Before they can meet, the Battlefield starts changing all around them.

John wakes up lost and vulnerable. The ghost bed has landed on the surface of the Land of Wind and Shade, stranding him on a jut of rock in the middle of the oily sea while red fire creeps over the horizon. Karkat is at the peak of his anger when he chooses this moment for his second try at trolling John. Karkat has just discovered the event that led to his own hopeless situation. When John asks him for news of Jade’s entry, he explains with disgust that they are one and the same.

jade enters

With both boys asleep and unable to help Jade enter, Becquerel the god dog takes charge. Bec jumps into Jade’s kernel and becomes Becsprite. Becsprite immediately flies up to attack the oncoming meteor to buy time for Jade. An apocalyptic green shockwave circles the Earth, killing humanity.

Jade creates her entry item, a Bec-shaped piñata and a blindfold. Flailing the butt of her rifle around, she swings and hits the piñata and is blasted out of the atrium window. It’s a long fall, giving Jade time to turn the gun around and fire it in midair. Becsprite teleports the bullet at the piñata, smashing it.

Jade and her house enter the Medium. Bec’s prototyping takes effect, transforming the Battlefield for the fourth and last time and adding Bec’s features to those who wear the rings.

First Guardians are immortal beings ectobiologized by agents and sent by Skaia to watch over the planets that receive Sburb players. The source of their limitless power is an object called the Green Sun. Alternia’s First Guardian is the cunning puppet Doc Scratch. Earth’s First Guardian is the dog Becquerel.

The Sovereign Slayer, Jack Noir, inherits Becquerel’s powers. Karkat concludes that this is the biggest disaster and source of woe in both sessions.

god boss

Bro Strider ends his first duel with the Slayer by stabbing his katana into the Beat Mesa, a Lohac landmark that resembles a vinyl record. Bro flees to Lowas. Jack Noir pulls the sword out and follows him there for round two. Bro is aided this time by his newly repaired puppet Lil Cal and Davesprite. Escaping the puppet’s awful clutches for a moment, Jack uses his ring to set fire to the oily rivers and seas of John’s land.

Bro and Davesprite are still teaming up on Jack when his ring receives the fateful fourth prototyping and gives him the face and powers of Bec. He becomes the invincible demon Bec Noir. What seemed like an even fight is over in a heartbeat. Noir slays Bro, imbues the spreading fire with his new First Guardian energy, and takes Lil Cal for a trophy.

the windy thing

The fire turns green and spreads across the ocean, circling the rock John is stranded on.

After Karkat is done telling John about Jade’s entry, Vriska explains to John why it happened. She was the one who put John and Dave to sleep with her psychic powers. She did it so that she could be responsible for the rise and fall of Bec Noir. She is planning to leave the hideout and fight Noir single-handedly.

Goaded to action by Vriska and the Wayward Vagabond, John taps into his own latent powers. A Breeze circles his planet, putting out all the fire. The wind lifts John off the rock, deposits him on the shore of a salamander village, and subsides.

Talking to the locals, John learns that the game has a personal quest in store for the Heir of Breath. Defeating the denizen Typheus will make John the saviour of the salamanders and fireflies that live on his world. But first, to gain any more power, he needs to find his Quest Bed and sleep on it, or so says Vriska.

John climbs up to his Quest Bed. It is a slab of rock bearing the symbol of Breath. Vriska offers to put John to sleep on the slab. John decides to trust her and accepts her help.

Bec Noir murders the sleeping child.

the god tiers

We saw before that a timely smooch can revive a dead or dying player whose dreamer is alive. The waking self stays dead, while the dreamself recovers and gets on with life. During Sgrub, after Aradia fatally wounded Vriska, Tavros intended to resuscitate Vriska this way, but she refused the kiss.

Vriska knew of a better resurrection mechanism, one that would allow a deserving hero like herself to rise up to the god tiers. She made Tavros fly her to her Quest Cocoon. She also asked him to hasten her death, but he could not do that. Regardless, when Vriska’s waking body finally bled out and lay dead on her sacrificial slab, her dreamself rose up to Skaia as the god-tier Thief of Light.

The perks of godhood include a conditional sort of immortality, freedom from exile oversight, flight, a colourful new outfit that reflects the hero’s title, and, for trolls, gossamer fairy wings. Vriska is the only troll to have earned her wings before beating the game.

In the same fashion, as fireflies gather to hug John’s corpse on his Quest Bed, his dreamself rises up on Skaia as the god-tier Heir of Breath.

Dave has been time traveling in stable loops so much that there are several instances of him running around at any given moment during the Reckoning. This gives Dave time to learn more about his session while gaming the Lohac Stock Exchange and handling server duties for Rose and Jade. He also learns that he and John are the objects of a rivalry between Terezi and Vriska.

Terezi offers to help Dave rise up to godhood, but unlike Vriska, she makes Dave fully aware of the sacrifice it requires. She leads him to make a binary choice that results in a doomed Dave sleeping on his Quest Bed, a slab bearing the symbol of Time, and then presents alpha Dave with the option of slaying the doomed Dave so that he can rise up. Terezi already knows from looking ahead that he will refuse to kill himself. There is nothing she can do to change doomed Dave’s fate. The alpha Dave walks away. The doomed Dave wakes up and gets off the slab. Bec Noir appears and murders the doomed Dave mere steps from his Quest Bed. He does not rise up.


Becsprite catches Jade with her bed again and she falls asleep again. This time, instead of direct exposure to the Gods of the Furthest Ring, Jade’s dream is contained in one of the memory bubbles Feferi asked them to burp. Jade relives an old conversation with the Alternian fish princess. When it diverges from how it originally went, she discovers that she and Feferi are actually meeting in the bubble and that Feferi is dead.

Jade wakes on her new planet, Lofaf, the Land of Frost and Frogs. She fights an imp that teleports her all over the place just like Bec used to do. One of her gunshots wakes Dave from a dream in which he looked out at the Horrorterrors and visited the darkening Dream Rose in her tower on Derse’s moon.

Jade’s hopes for a talking sprite are dashed when she meets Becsprite. He speaks only in blinding green noise.

Returning to her house, Jade learns from Dave that John is busy getting his wind on and can’t be her server player anymore. Dave fills John’s shoes, replacing the alchemy equipment that was destroyed when Jade entered.

Jade is preparing to alchemize items when Tavros asks her if he can commune with Becsprite for the second time. Tavros has just saved a younger Jade from accidentally shooting herself. He used Bec to teleport the bullet toward an old man he mistook for a trespasser on Jade’s island.

Tavros thinks that sending Becsprite to fight Bec Noir will solve everybody’s problems. He is high on the self-confidence that can only come from a shiny new pair of legs. Kanaya and Equius replaced his immobile lower half with a robotic prosthesis while he was sleeping. It doesn’t take stairs very well, although that doesn’t stop Tavros from trying.

Jade refuses. She is upset to learn how her Grandpa was killed, but a bit of alchemy lifts her spirits. She makes all sorts of stuff including a legendary rifle from Eridan and a pair of goggles based on Rose’s crystal ball. She uses the goggles to see her friends around the Medium. Seeing a couple of Jack’s random teleportation murder victims upsets her again and changes her mind about using Becsprite to stop him.

Tavros is no longer available, so Jade does the next best thing. She goes up into the ball at the top of her house where Grandpa stored her stuffed and mounted dreamself and Jack’s fourth wall. She summons Becsprite and completes his prototyping by throwing her dreamer’s corpse into him. Becsprite becomes Jadesprite.

Jadesprite is useless. She is confused and upset at being wrenched from the afterlife. Her outburst breaks the ball off the house and sends it careening down the hill. It rolls to a stop next to a stump of dismay.

The fourth wall flicks on in the chaos, allowing us to intrude on the Author’s study again. Hussie introduces their servant Ms. Paint, a Prospitian exile, and types up the third and final recap in Homestuck.

Karkat advises Jade to turn off and take the fourth wall. Jadesprite flies away to Skaia.

genesis frog

With Kanaya’s help, Jade starts to learn about her land and her personal quest as the Witch of Space.

Kanaya contacts a later Jade hoping to learn something about Rose, but by then Jade has begun to enforce a linear chronology with Karkat and Kanaya. She won’t talk to them out of sequence. Kanaya is forced to talk to an earlier Jade first.

Kanaya finds the earlier Jade setting up equipment that became available when she entered Lofaf. As the more experienced hero of Space, Kanaya explains what the cloning apparatus is for. It’s a miniature version of the ectobiology lab where John cloned the babies. It is used for breeding frogs with the end goal of creating the Genesis Frog which Prospit idolizes.

Also known as the Speaker of the Vast Croak, the Genesis Frog is the creature that embodies the ultimate reward. It is an entire universe. Breeding a frog of this nature and situating it in Skaia after the Reckoning is how the trolls created the universe the kids grew up in. Alas, Jade won’t have time to make a Genesis Frog. It normally takes weeks of work, and she has less than a day left before the Scratch. But she decides to try anyway.


As the Seer of Light, Rose is supposed to “play the rain” and contend with her denizen, Cetus, who ate all the fish in the Land of Light and Rain. But having learned that her session is barren and can’t be completed as intended, Rose rejects her scripted quest. She starts tearing her land apart with dark magic, looking for a way to do something more important, something that the Gods of the Furthest Ring have suggested to her.

Kanaya and Aradia beg Rose not to be led down such a destructive path. Kanaya has taken a liking to Rose and is struggling to understand (and avoid contributing to) the mysterious event that makes her view of future Rose go dark.

Drawing from every available source of information, including an all-knowing puppet who lives in another universe, Rose comes up with a plan to neutralize Bec Noir. The trolls have indicated that Noir is the source of failure and a continuing threat in both sessions. They believe Noir appeared in their incipisphere after a rift in space called the Scratch banished him from the kids’ incipisphere. This is why Karkat blames the kids for the trolls’ misfortune.

Rose’s plan is to create the Scratch and then stop Noir’s rampage through the troll session by taking away his power source. She will do the latter part by detonating a bomb at the location of the Green Sun—but not just any bomb. The aforementioned treasure at the centre of Skaia is called The Tumor. It is an artifact of the session’s infertility and Rose believes it should have enough power to destroy the Green Sun, removing Bec’s powers and making Jack Noir beatable again. Dream Dave will listen to the Gods and draw a map. Dream Rose will use this map to navigate the Furthest Ring and deliver the bomb. This will be a suicide mission for Dream Rose. Instrumental in both parts of the plan will be John, who is poised to dig up The Tumor and destined to go to the Land of Heat and Clockwork later to initiate the Scratch, since that is what Karkat sees him doing the very first time he trolls him.

In the meantime, Rose’s plan is the furthest thing from John’s mind.

i am so, so proud of you

After rising up as the Heir of Breath, John is back on the Battlefield where he saw his Dad and Rose’s Mom earlier. John loses hours watching Skaian cloud visions. The clouds have shown him that his new follower, the Warweary Villein, is destined to keep carrying the White Queen’s ring.

John finds Dad’s wallet, which yields tons of sentimental and practical items including shaving cream, a spare car, and a much-needed computer. John gets back in touch with his friends and flexes his windy powers by taking the Villein for a flying joyride around Skaia’s new form. Skaia’s last prototyping has created a tangled wreath of land orbiting the Battlefield and healed the craters left by Noir’s Red Miles and the crash of Prospit’s moon.

Learning from Jade that his Dad and Rose’s Mom are in a castle on the Battlefield, John goes looking for them until Vriska reminds him that he has some planet surgery to do. He puts his pursuit of Dad on hold and operates on the Battlefield. He whips up a tornado to drill a hole into the core, then flies down to locate The Tumor. What he finds, surrounded by carvings of his human friends’ god-tier symbols, is a giant magic taijitu ball with a timer counting down to the end of the Reckoning. He tucks the bomb into Dad’s wallet and returns to the surface.


When Jack Noir became Bec Noir, he didn’t just gain Bec’s First Guardian powers. He also received the dog’s loyalty and love for Jade, unwelcome feelings that have already prevented him from murdering her once. This hiccup in his otherwise remorseless killing spree troubles him. He tries to get around his doggy feelings by assigning Jade’s murder to the Courtyard Droll, who has been searching the Battlefield for the White Queen’s ring.

The silly Droll instantly forgets his new orders when he and Liv the bunny cross paths with John, who has just resurfaced. Liv gives John another note from the penpal who helped build her. The note describes Liv’s green eye, which can enlarge objects, and tells John to grow the bunny’s miniature weapons. Most of these weapons were lost in the Breeze. The only one left is the Warhammer of Zillyhoo, and after Liv hugens it everyone marvels at its beauty long enough for the Villein to eat Liv’s green eye and preclude any more hugenings.

The Tumor still has to be delivered to Derse’s moon, but John wants to keep looking for Dad, so he delegates. He gives the Villein the wallet and asks his three new friendfollowers to take it to Dream Rose for him. They commandeer a Dersite battleship left over from the war and fly away, leaving John with no computer.

Right after seeing them off, John notices a cloud of grim darkness descending on the planet and goes to investigate. When he enters the darkness, the trolls can no longer see him in their chat client viewports.


Rose goes to Lohac and pesters Doc Scratch, the First Guardian and master manipulator of Alternia. He feeds her information about the Green Sun, the rules of godhood, and his own mission to summon his master, Lord English. Scratch also corrects one of the falsehoods on which Rose’s plan rested. The Scratch is not a rift in space and its purpose is not to exile Jack Noir.

The Scratch is a built-in mechanism for resetting and changing things on Earth prior to the start of the game. Its purpose is to replace an unwinnable session—that is, a session that cannot produce the ultimate reward—with a new one that could be winnable. When completed, the Scratch will erase the kids’ entire Medium and anyone left inside.

An iguana servant brings Rose an object from Jade’s house. It is a magic cue ball that is said to be the opposite of a Magic 8 Ball, its blank surface hiding perfectly precise and specific answers to any question. This oracle becomes the final topic of Rose’s conversation with the white text guy. He describes it as one of his “seeds” and prods the Seer to figure out how to use it. The ball tells her to answer Jade, who she has been ignoring.

Jade has awful news. Jack Noir has murdered Rose’s Mom and John’s Dad on the Battlefield. Rose is angered and changes her mind about what to throw her life away doing. She wants to fight Noir right away, since the alternative now seems equally futile. Jade tries to talk her out of it. When they debate the agenda of the Gods who set Rose down this path, Doc Scratch nudges them toward settling the question with one more use of the cue ball.

Rose asks whether the Gods are evil. The ball gives her an answer that might be either garbled nonsense or a message in the language of the Gods. If Rose knows, she does not say, because the answer changes her. She goes grimdark. She disappears from the trolls’ sight, exudes a thick black aura, and flies straight to Skaia thinking of nothing but vengeance and death.

On the Battlefield, Rose enters the Prospitian castle where Mom and Dad were killed. Following Jack Noir’s trail of dismembered chess pieces and frog statues, she finds the happily ignorant John, who still hasn’t seen their parents or Noir. Rose tries to tell John what happened, but John does not understand the broodfester tongues. She leads him back to the scene of the crime so he can see for himself.

conditional immortality

Rose and John find Jack Noir standing over their murdered parents. They draw their weapons, but for John the fight is over before it starts. Noir stabs him and he falls over dead, driving Rose to new heights of violent fury. She channels her darkest magic, blowing another huge crater in the face of the Battlefield.

The Seer and the Slayer fight to the death. They trade a few blows, but it’s not a particularly challenging duel for the godlike archagent. Rose falls and dies next to John.

Noir then fields an asinine phone call from the Courtyard Droll. The Droll stole Dad’s wallet from the Warweary Villein and snuck off the Dersite battleship in an escape pod, but the wallet contains neither The Tumor nor the ring he was hoping to find. Liv Tyler lifted The Tumor out of the wallet while the Droll wasn’t looking. After pointing out that none of this is relevant to the Droll’s orders to assassinate Jade, Noir goes to the battleship himself and rips the vessel in half.

The Villein stays on the broken ship as it falls back to Skaia. It enters a Skaian defense portal and exiles him on Earth. Liv takes an escape pod and flies away to Derse’s moon. Noir goes to Lofaf.

God-tier heroes have conditional immortality. They only stay dead if their death is morally significant. If the death is judged neither just, as in comeuppance, nor heroic, as in self-sacrifice, then the hero will soon come back to life. We don’t know who judges fallen heroes. There is a clock in Doc Scratch’s parlour that either indicates or influences the result, it’s not clear which.

John comes back to life, whole and healthy. He finds Rose beside him and gives her a corpsesmooch. Dream Rose recovers on Derse’s moon and waits for Liv’s arrival.

Karkat directs John to prepare for the next stage of Rose’s plan. To initiate the Scratch, John will need to damage the Beat Mesa on Lohac by dragging a giant needle across its surface. By this time, Jade has learned that the kids might be able to avoid being erased by the Scratch and might even meet up with the trolls afterward. She has persuaded Karkat to help out with the plan.

p.s. i’ll find my frog

When Jade entered, the dormant volcano beside her house came to the Medium with her. One of Jade’s tasks is to “stoke the Forge”, i.e. make the volcano active, which will thaw out Jade’s land so she can collect the frogs she has paradoxified. Jade wakes her denizen Echidna and stokes the Forge. These events happen off-screen and it’s unclear whether one causes the other.

Dave visits Jade on Lofaf to help her find frogs in the thaw. Jack Noir butts in on their expedition and they fight. Noir riddles Dave with Jade’s own bullets. Dave dies and Jade is forced to save him with a kiss. Dave saw this happen in an earlier time travel loop but decided that averting his death wasn’t worth spawning another doomed timeline. Jade’s corpsesmooch revives Dream Dave on Derse’s moon.

After killing Dave, Jack Noir follows Jade around for the rest of the session, still unable to harm her thanks to the loyalty he inherits from Bec.

Jade visits Echidna twice, first to ask the mother of monsters for one of her huge quills, which John needs to scratch the Beat Mesa, and then to get help breeding the Genesis Frog in time. When heroes meet their denizens, they must make a fateful Choice. In return for helping with the frogs, Echidna binds the Witch of Space to a promise that sounds impossible. When Jade escapes the Scratch, she must bring all the denizens and all their lands with her.

For her end of the bargain, Echidna helps Jade recall an old memory. As a child, Jade was sleepwalking around the lagoon and found an unusual frog that died when she picked it up. This frog’s paradox slime is the final ingredient that Jade needs to complete the Genesis Frog genome. She paradoxifies it, adds its genes to the sequence, and spawns the tadpole that will become the Speaker of the Vast Croak if she can find a more fertile Skaia to nurture it.

Seeing Jade finish her tadpole, Karkat reflects on his mistakes. Sburb is how universes procreate. A successful session produces a new universe for the players to claim as their ultimate reward. When Karkat and Kanaya spawned the frog that contained the kids’ universe, they were in such a rush that its genome was incomplete and it had a malignant defect. Karkat identifies Bec Noir as the embodiment of this defect, an agent empowered to render its host sterile, escape the host, and destroy it from the outside. Thus Karkat blames himself for Noir’s rise.

sprites on the battlefield

With the Forge lit, Dave’s denizen Hephaestus is able to repair something for the hero who seeks him out. This hero is not exactly Dave.

Davesprite was badly injured when he and Bro fought Jack Noir and lost. Some time later, seeing Dave neglect his personal quest as the Knight of Time, Davesprite decides to do as much as he can in Dave’s place, starting with Caledfwlch. The broken bird takes the broken sword to Hephaestus, who offers to fix one of them. Davesprite chooses the sword, and Hephaestus fashions it into a new one, the Royal Deringer.

Having done his part, Davesprite flies to Skaia to spend the rest of the Reckoning with Jadesprite. The meteors from the Veil have overwhelmed Skaia’s defense portals and begun to strike the Battlefield.

Jadesprite sends the Deringer away to Derse.

Nannasprite is also on the Battlefield. She uses her son’s PDA to talk to his acquaintance, screen name “fedorafreak”, who is dying in a different session. She tells fedorafreak a story about her adoptive mother, the cruel alien Betty Crocker.

rose ganks the rock

Liv Tyler delivers The Tumor to Dream Rose and Dream Dave, who argue over the rights to the suicide mission. While they are discussing how to pilot Derse’s moon into the Furthest Ring, the Deringer arrives embedded in the ground. Once again, Dave snaps the sword from the stone. He uses the broken Deringer to sever the chain of Derse, freeing the moon from its orbit. He is about to fly the moon away when Rose zonks him with a sportsways yarn bonk.

The Horrorterrors granted Feferi’s wish by making the Furthest Ring into an afterlife for heroes and their dreamselves. The moon’s flight into the Furthest Ring crosses the dream bubble where Dave is dreaming. Rose plays along with Dave’s reënactment of events until he realizes that she took the mission from him. After talking it out, they are jumped by the menacing Draconian Dignitary. The Dignitary spears Dave’s dream projection, making him wake up on Derse. Knowing that Rose is in danger, he flies out in pursuit of Derse’s moon, which is by now a speck in the void.

By the time Dave catches up with the moon and slays the Douche Dag, it is too late to go back. The incipisphere Dave and Rose left is about to be erased. They continue on, deeper into the incomprehensible warped spacetime of the Furthest Ring, until they reach the appointed place for blowing up the Green Sun.

The Green Sun is not there.

shaving cream?

John sets the Scratch in motion by scratching Echidna’s needle across the Beat Mesa and then lifting the Mesa up and away to Skaia. A last wave of minions tries to stop him, but he defeats them handily with the Pop-a-Matic Vrillyhoo, a hammer he alchemized from Vriska’s Fluorite Octet dice weapon. As the Scratch nears completion, it makes the sky crackle all over the Medium, signaling its imminent erasure.

The Courtyard Droll uses the contents of Dad’s wallet to assassinate Jade. She is on top of her house, putting the Genesis Frog tadpole into an oversized Magic 8 Ball tank. Behind her, Jack Noir fast-forwards the view of the lagoon on the monitor until it shows the exiles who would gather in the same place centuries later. Something drifts out of the scratchy sky and lands between Noir and Jade. It is a one-ton beard buster bomb. The explosion kills Jade and knocks the genesis tadpole off the roof and into the fiery Forge. The Droll is tickled by his handiwork until he sees its effect on Noir, whose doggy love for Jade has not relented.

Noir kills the Droll in anger, takes the wallet, and flies Jade’s body across Lofaf to her Quest Bed, a slab of rock bearing the symbol of Space. He lays her on the sacrificial slab and leaves. He goes to the Veil, enters the frog meteor, and puts himself in the lotus time capsule.

The frog meteor speeds toward Skaia and is one of the last meteors to be intercepted by a defense portal and sent to Earth. However, it is perhaps the first to arrive on Earth since Skaia chooses the time on the other side of the portal. Carrying everything that has entered the lotus, the frog meteor strikes the paleozoic Earth. A frog temple grows up in the impact crater, which becomes the lagoon on Jade’s island, and inside this temple is the exit lotus. Everything that entered the lotus in the Medium comes out of the one on Earth, as we saw previously when a copy of Sburb made its way from the Dignitary to Jade.

The Reckoning has risen in violence, meteors striking the Battlefield constantly. One meteor is headed straight for Jadesprite and Davesprite.

As hummingbirds surround Jade’s corpse on her Quest Bed, Jadesprite rises up as the god-tier Witch of Space. Thanks to her dual inheritance of heroic godhood and Bec nature, Jade assumes total command of matter and space in the Medium. She stops the meteors, miniaturizes and gathers up all the planets, and boards a Prospitian battleship with John. She then gets out the Fourth Wall, enlarges it until it is bigger than the ship, and propels the ship through the glass and out of their null session.

exile recap

Previously, after landing on the arid post-Reckoning Earth, the exiles wandered and found command stations that showed them the progress of the kids through the Medium. The stations also brought the exiles together at the site of the frog ruins on what was once Jade’s island, though the ocean has evaporated. The Wayward Vagabond’s cork station flew him to the ruins from the site of Rose’s house, the Peregrine Mendicant’s apple station came from the site of John’s house, and the Windswept Questant’s egg station came from the site of Dave’s apartment. The Aimless Renegade is the odd one out. He landed near the frog ruins and has not found any station corresponding to Jade’s house. When he attacked the other exiles, a sentry worm shot back, lasering off the head of the frog icon.

In Act 4, the Mendicant was crowned a Prospitian Monarch and the Vagabond revealed that he had been safeguarding the White Queen’s ring.

the royal itinerary

The Questant has a key that flips certain switches in the command stations. After coronating the Mendicant, the Questant finds a switch on a half-buried fragment of a station behind the frog temple. When she flips this switch, fragments fly together from all over the Earth and assemble the Bec head station. This station falls on the temple from above and rests on the shoulders of the headless frog icon.

The Vagabond finally realizes the boy he met on the Battlefield is the same one he was commanding recently. Returning to the cork station to view John’s progress, the Vagabond and his firefly find John on the rock in the sea. They watch John make the breeze happen, find his quest bed, and die on it. Then the console goes dark and the Vagabond has no more access to John. When he was on the Battlefield, he saw John rise up, but he doesn’t get how these events are related or the order in which they happened. He thinks that John has died for good and his work as an exile is over. But he can’t leave the cork station just yet. While issuing some forceful commands, he pressed the caps lock key. Barriers fell around the exits and the station ran out of power. Without fuel, the Vagabond can’t get out or operate the sendificator. There was a chunk of uranium, but he ate it earlier in the day. So, just like the heroes of Problem Sleuth did when there was no exit, he makes a fort for his imagination and goes to sleep in it.

The Vagabond’s dream tempts him to put on the ring and receive its power, reminding him of the horrors that were perpetrated using its twin. The dream ends with a weird bug that resembles Vriska telling him not to bother with vengeance. She wishes to fight the Sovereign Slayer herself.

Flying out through a small gap to get help, Serenity finds the Questant teaching the new Monarch her royal duties. The sendificator in the cork station sends things back to the incipisphere they came from, but it can also be set to send things outside the kids’ universe—that is, to the troll incipisphere, since that is where the universe lives. Using the sendificator, the Monarch will be able to lead the exiles to a new land. But first, they must wait for one more wanderer to arrive. The White King exiled himself and became a Writ Keeper. When he comes out of the lotus time capsule, they will all leave this universe together.

To ensure no one can follow them, they make the Aimless Renegade demolish all the stations. He gets to work rigging the stations with explosives so that all the sendificating equipment will be destroyed. While preparing the Bec head station, the Renegade enters it and finds a console monitoring Dave’s progress in the Medium. He finds Dave mourning his dead Bro and talking to Terezi about justice. The Renegade commands Dave for a short while and then goes back to his bombs. Everything is set to blow when the Monarch sees a tendril of super deadly red shit appear in the sky above them.

the red miles

The Questant enters the frog temple and goes down to greet the Writ Keeper. He emerges from the time capsule just as planned, but their embrace is cut short when they see the lotus flower wilting as if poisoned. Ten seconds later, the lotus disgorges its disastrous final passenger, Jack Noir, who continues his rampage as if nothing happened. Noir slays the former King and Queen and then exits the temple.

The sky is now full of Red Miles, the same forking tendrils of destructive energy that Noir once used on the Battlefield and Prospit. The Miles are worse this time, though. They are spreading without limit and will kill the whole universe.

Noir and the Monarch spot each other, draw swords, and square off, but before they can fight, the Renegade starts detonating his bombs. He blows up the Bec head station, the egg station, and the apple station. By this time, the Renegade has Noir’s attention and mere moments left to live. He hesitates to blow up the cork station, perhaps paralyzed by fear or perhaps knowing that the Vagabond is still trapped inside. Before he can make up his mind, Noir decapitates him.

The Monarch takes a brave swing at Noir, but does not connect. Noir has already teleported into the cork station which holds the only way to get out of this dying frog. Seeing that the sendificator needs uranium fuel, Noir sniffs it out with his radiometric doggy nose. He finds the Vagabond in the next room, punches a hole straight through the Vagabond’s gut with his fist, and forcibly extracts the chunk of uranium from his stomach. Noir’s hand is now bloodied and will remain bloodied throughout his encounter with the trolls. He powers up the station and uses the sendificator to exit the universe.

In the aftermath of Noir’s appearance, the Monarch finds the Vagabond mortally wounded and unconscious. She is dragging him outside when the White Queen’s ring drops out of his clothes. She puts on the ring and transforms, gaining the same abilities that the other ring gives to Noir. She has failed in one of her royal duties, to lead the exiles to safety, but the other duty was to bring Noir to justice, and now she has the power to do that. Carrying the Vagabond and his firefly, she returns to the sendificator and follows Noir into the troll session.

troll season

After the trolls defeat the Black King, Skaia turns into a home for their genesis frog, Bilious Slick. The frog matures, speaks the Vast Croak, and becomes the universe which contains Earth. From the trolls’ point of view, the dimensions of this universe, including its entire history and lifespan, come into being at once. Time and space inside the universe are not seen in the same way from outside the frog.

When the Vast Croak dies down, the trolls are presented with the door to the ultimate reward. According to Karkat, this meant they would enter the kids’ universe and rule over it. But then Noir appears in their midst and destroys the door.

Aradia’s quick thinking saves her friends. She tosses them through a transportalizer while her doomed selves mob Noir and prevent him from following. The trolls find themselves in an ectobiology lab on a meteor in the Veil, where they will remain for the next ten and a half hours. The lab has plenty of room for them to wander and stick their shit in random treasure chests, but eventually they congregate in the lab’s computer room. Understanding nothing, they get online and talk on Trollian’s timeline-spanning memos while Noir starts hunting for them all over the incipisphere. He destroys the twelve planets in the Medium first, then targets Prospit and Derse.

In the fifth hour, Noir destroys Prospit while Sollux and Terezi discover the kids who live on Earth. Karkat, having fainted when Kanaya amputated Tavros’s legs, wakes up an hour later to find everyone talking about these goofy alien Sburb players who seem both doomed to fail and implicated in his own failure. He rallies the trolls for one last team effort. They will use their chat clients to hassle and verbally abuse the kids.

Each troll has a different approach to trolling the kids:

  • Aradia, the hero of Time, refuses. She believes trolling the kids is what gets them into this mess. When she warns Rose not to seek the Green Sun, it’s not because she thinks it will change what happens. Trying to change things only reinforces the alpha timeline’s causal loops.
  • Feferi, the hero of Life, feels the opposite. She is eager to get to know the kids and convinced that they are the answer to the trolls’ plight. She talks to Jade about how the Gods of the Furthest Ring will help the two races meet in dream bubbles.
  • Sollux, the hero of Doom, doesn’t care about the kids at all.
  • Equius, the hero of Void, tries to decipher the kids’ social hierarchy. His blue blood places him in a noble troll caste, but all humans have bright red blood, an aberrant colour unique to Karkat. Equius trolls Dave about human class structure and they drop delirious flow at each other.
  • Tavros, the hero of Breath, tries to get Dave’s Earth goat and then moves on to Jade. When he offers to command Becsprite, his awkward confessions earn him the scorn of Jade and also Vriska, who was eavesdropping.
  • Karkat, the hero of Blood, hates John at first sight. He flirts caliginously with John to no avail. John has already spoken to him many times and knows him as a friend. Embarrassed by the encounter, he continues trolling John backwards. He gradually warms to the kids and learns that there is a plan to meet up with them after they escape their session. Jade needs his help, so he spends the rest of his trolling efforts trying to talk to Jade at the right times.
  • Nepeta, the hero of Heart, bonds with Jaspersprite.
  • Kanaya, the hero of Space, obsesses over Rose. She idolizes the author of the walkthrough she grew up reading and wonders if this underwhelming kid can really be the same person. They talk many times and become friends, though she frets over Rose’s looming grimdarkdeath.
  • Eridan, the hero of Hope, sneers at Rose’s open use of magic. When Rose blows up his computer, he persuades Kanaya to make him a wand. The wand becomes his preferred weapon even as he insists magic is fake. He gives Jade his rifle, Ahab’s Crosshairs.
  • Terezi, the hero of Mind, is the most successful troll at first. She can’t see the doomed timelines she creates, such as the one where John picks a fight with Typheus, but Davesprite gives her some idea. She starts helping Dave when she realizes that the kids and trolls are going to be useful to each other.
  • Vriska, the hero of Light, makes herself important by manipulating events in the kids’ lives, including their wakefulness at key times, in order to be responsible for creating the demon. She also guides John to godhood, beating Terezi at the chumpy impressionable human boy-off.
  • Gamzee, the hero of Rage, has run out of the sedative sopor slime he is addicted to. Dave invites Gamzee to watch a video that the Betty Crocker corporation had slipped to Dave before he left Earth. The juggalo music video blasphemes Gamzee’s clown faith, angering and changing him.
time to be alive

In the seventh hour, Noir destroys Derse and its moon, killing the Derse dreamselves and triggering Aradia’s last transformation. The rust blood has gone from living troll to ghost to frogsprite to soulbot without anyone suspecting she ever had a dreamself. She died before entering the game, so there were towers on Derse’s moon for all of Blue team except for her. In fact, her dreamself was hibernating on a sacrificial slab in the core of Derse the whole time.

When Noir’s green fire kills Dream Aradia in her crypt, Aradia rises up as the god-tier Maid of Time. In the lab, her robotic avatar hugs Sollux g0_0dbye and then explodes.

The Maid of Time emerges from the dust of Derse and confronts the murderous archagent. With her new power, she freezes him in place just long enough for his rage and impatience to turn him into a portal to the Green Sun for a moment. She unfreezes him and then leaps through him and into the vicinity of the Green Sun, to which he can’t teleport himself.

Aradia has escaped into the Furthest Ring, where the Gods blow bubbles for the dreaming dead. The dream bubbles are the afterlife for players of Sburb and Sgrub. Some of the inhabitants are ghosts of players who died and were not resurrected. The rest are projections of alive players who are asleep and dreaming after their dreamselves or waking selves have died. And then there is Aradia, who is uniquely alive and there in the flesh.

The dream bubbles are decorated with scenery from the ghosts’ lives, letting the inhabitants relive old memories without being aware that they have died. Aradia eagerly becomes a psychopomp for these amnesiac ghosts. She talks to them and eases them into awareness.

The first bubble Aradia enters is a memory belonging to one of her own doomed selves, an Aradiabot who attacked Noir six hours ago. Noir dispatched this Aradiabot by throwing Lil Cal at her. She travelled back in time to escape the puppet’s awful clutches and was crushed by a meteor speeding toward Skaia during the Reckoning. A defense portal sent this meteor to Alternia some time before Aradia first died. It smashed a hole through the ground and into a cave. The dream bubble shifts to Aradia’s memories of this older event.

Aradia went to look into the cave and found some blue frog ruins like the red ones near Kanaya’s hive. In the impact crater Aradia found the remains of her own future soulbot and, tucked into Lil Cal’s shirt, John’s Dad’s wallet. She shared her discovery with Sollux, who needed to know the glyphs carved into the blue ruins in order to finish writing Sgrub. They sent Lil Cal to Kanaya for repair.

When the dead doomed Aradia and a dreaming Sollux reënact their old conversation without awareness, the living Aradia steps in and helps them remember. Other ghosts and dreamers drift in and out of this bubble. Aradia takes them on a tour through events in their lives, revealing the suppressed memories in which they wrote out pieces of the genetic code that the agents of Derse would use to make Alternia’s First Guardian. Just as Rose wrote part of Becqerel’s genome in a cipher with the letters “Meow”, the trolls wrote part of Doc Scratch’s genome in ciphers with the letters “t1ck t0ck 8r8k H34DS honk HONK”, a harbinger of the Vast Honk foretold in Gamzee’s clown faith. The Black Queen created Doc Scratch by combining these codes with Lil Cal and Vriska’s magic cue ball.

In another bubble, Aradia finds Dave reliving a memory of mad snacks, yo. He turns out to be the doomed Dave who was murdered by Noir after getting up off his Quest Bed.


After Aradia’s soulbot explodes for no apparent reason, the trolls lose interest in working together. Most of them leave the computer room and withdraw into their own corners of the laboratory. In the eighth hour, they start fighting and killing each other.

It goes down like this.

Vriska gloats, telling Tavros how she orchestrated Noir’s rise to invincible demonhood. Tavros threatens to end her inveterate abuse and manipulation. They agree to fight it out, and he goes looking for her.

Terezi leads a doomed Dave to his death while testing the alpha Dave’s willingness to rise to godhood. Her complicity in this event upsets her. When she runs off in tears, the only trolls left in the computer room are Sollux, Feferi, Karkat, and Kanaya. Karkat is agitated about all the fucks going rogue, especially Gamzee, who hasn’t been seen since watching Dave’s juggalo video.

A key discovery in the lab has suggested to Kanaya that the time is right to use the Matriorb, an egg she harvested from her dead mother grub lusus. She hopes to relaunch the Alternian race by hatching the Matriorb in the core of the meteor. But before she can leave for the core, Eridan enters.

Eridan picks a fight with Sollux by declaring his intention to defect and serve Noir. Feferi and Sollux decide that Eridan must be stopped. Eridan tosses off his cape and they duel. With his wand, he is more powerful than when they fought on Lobaf. The gold blood takes a crushing blow and slumps against the wall.

Feferi makes a move to retaliate, but Eridan is quicker on the draw. His bolt of white science impales her in the collapsing and expanding bladder-based aquatic vascular system. The fuchsia blood falls dead on the horn pile.

Finally, Eridan provokes Kanaya by blowing up the Matriorb. She lunges at him and gets a bolt through the torso for her trouble. The jade blood falls sort of dead on the floor. Having completed his rampage, Eridan leaves the computer room.

Karkat snaps out of shocked bystander mode and examines the bodies, finding Sollux to be in stable condition. Messages arrive from Doc Scratch and Gamzee that make Karkat fear for his life. Gamzee has embraced the violent psychosis that is his calling as a purple blood. He promises to kill everyone.

Tavros finds Vriska on a high walkway. He charges at her and is impaled. Vriska sticks the bronze blood with his own lance and throws him off the walkway. He drops a great height and falls dead on the ground behind Terezi, who is alone.

Terezi investigates and pins the murder on Vriska. She sends her findings to Karkat, then takes her computer glasses off and kisses Tavros’s corpse in the vain hope that he might have a dream self to revive. Karkat, weeping, does the same for Kanaya. Nothing comes of their heartfelt corpsesmooches.

Karkat drags the unconscious Sollux out of the computer room in search of a place to hide from Gamzee. At the top of a staircase, Karkat hears a scary honk and panics. He and Sollux happen to× fall down the stairs. The tumble knocks Sollux’s fangs out. Karkat finally responds to Terezi’s message, only to find Gamzee on the line. Fearing the worst, Karkat appeals to Equius to fight back against the psychopaths.

Terezi leaves for the computer room without her glasses, letting Gamzee steal them. Gamzee cuts off and makes out with Tavros’s head. He gets revenge on Dave by subjecting him and John to psychic chucklevoodoos that trouble their dreams. In Dave’s case, the chucklevoodoos create an instance of Lil Cal, and in John’s case, they cause the unconscious clown scribbles that would contribute to the harlequin prototyping.

Equius makes Nepeta hide in a safe room while he goes looking for the violent highbloods, but she is not content to sit still. She enters the air ducts and crawls around. She sees Equius through a grate and watches as Gamzee kills him. Gamzee first shoots an arrow into Equius’s knee, then garrottes him with the bowstring. The indigo blood offers no resistance and chokes with a smile on his face.

Losing her moirail spurs Nepeta to attack. She leaps out of the grate at Gamzee. It ends no better for the olive blood than for the other three trolls who lunged at their foes. Gamzee uses her claws for war paint and then clubs her to death.

Terezi returns unharmed to the computer room and smells another murder to pin on Vriska. But the crime scene is not how Karkat left it. Kanaya’s body and Eridan’s cape are gone and there is a bite on Feferi’s neck. This evidence is strange to Terezi. She couldn’t know that Kanaya is now an undead rainbow drinker.

Terezi tries messaging Karkat again and ends up chatting with Sollux. He has recovered from the blow he suffered in the duel, but there are lasting effects. He is now blind, lispless, and free from the voices of the soon-to-die. Their talk is cut short when a bright-smelling interloper ambushes Terezi and sucks her teal blood.

murders of murderers

Despite saying they would leave to find Noir, Vriska and Eridan have lingered in the lab. After killing Tavros, Vriska feels remorse for the first time. She bares her soul to John and consults her ancestor’s diary for guidance.

Trolls do not have families, but some of them claim a special kinship with legendary ancestors. This may or may not be true of trolls properly hatched from the Mother Grub, but Karkat ensured it would be true for the players of Sgrub when he cloned them with ectobiology. Just like John’s babies, Karkat made two sets of twelve baby troll grubs. The Reckoning delivered these grubs to their home planet by meteors. The player grubs all landed on Alternia six solar sweeps before the Vast Glub, while the ancestor grubs landed and lived out their lives in different times in Alternia’s history.

When Vriska was little, she found the diary and belongings of her ancestor, Marquise Mindfang, a swashbuckling gamblignant. The Marquise wrote about her kismesissitude with Orphaner Dualscar, Eridan’s ancestor, who took his rivalry with her too far. Mindfang took Kanaya’s ancestor for a slave and violated her. Dualscar had the slave killed and then tattled to the Grand Highblood, Gamzee’s ancestor, a subjugglator. The Highblood killed the Orphaner for being unfunny.

Vriska, Eridan, and Gamzee are wandering alone when they cross paths. The murderers enjoy a three-way staredown, complete with Faygo tumbleweed, when a fourth troll bursts onto the scene with Eridan’s cape tied over a hole in her torso. Moving with vampire fastness, she kicks Gamzee off the walkway, punches Vriska, breaks Eridan’s wand, and saws the violet blood in half.

Vriska is enamored of Kanaya’s rowdy, no-nonsense brand of ruffianism. Meanwhile, Terezi wakes up from her blood donation still believing that Vriska is the only murderer.

Gamzee starts collecting the bodies and manipulating the evidence to frame Vriska further. Terezi finds Nepeta’s corpse and a note that makes her think Vriska has harmed Gamzee too. The note lures Terezi into a room where she finds her old roleplaying accessories, the puppet Lil Cal, and Disc 2 of Homestuck. She scratches the disc on a record player, damaging it. After donning the costume of her ancestor, Neophyte Redglare, Terezi decides she is ready to put Vriska on trial.

mindfang’s flight

Neophyte Redglare was a legislacerator who served the subjugglators. They sent her to arrest Marquise Mindfang after hearing Dualscar’s testimony. Redglare and her dragon lusus Pyralspite succeeded where many others had failed. They burned Mindfang’s fleet and brought her to trial.

At the trial, Mindfang turned the tables on Redglare by manipulating the minds of the spectators. They mobbed Redglare and hanged her while Mindfang fought the gigantic Tyranny presiding over the courtblock.

After escaping, Mindfang holed up with Equius’s ancestor Darkleer and reclaimed the treasure he had kept, a seed of the Doctor who manipulated her. It was an oracle she consulted often before she lost her vision eightfold. It had told her she would die at the hands of her future matesprit, Tavros’s ancestor, the rebel Summoner.

Mindfang decided not to use the magic cue ball again. Instead, she hid it for her descendant to find. The orb would later play a role in Vriska’s cycle of revenge against her friends and in the creation of Doc Scratch.

the flip

Terezi climbs to the roof of the lab to confront Vriska.

At this point, the scrõtch in the dis  forzøs us to qÛít plaÿing and take it to a s¤ratch dØctor for re¼áir.

While fixing the Homestuck disc, Doc Scratch narrates part of Act 5 in his own narcissistic style. I have already recapitulated most of his material, and the length I will go to imitate the way he tells it will not extend beyond this sentence.

Terezi knows that Vriska will be responsible for more deaths if she is not stopped. Vriska will fly away to seek a duel with Noir, but before she can goad him into fighting, he will follow her scent trail back to the meteor, discover the remaining trolls, and kill them. Then he will return and give Vriska the fight she wants, but she will be in a doomed timeline whether she wins or not.

Terezi gives Vriska a chance to reconsider and stay on the meteor. Vriska knows that when Terezi says “go,” she means “die.” Terezi is prepared to kill Vriska if she does not stay willingly. But Vriska calls her bluff and turns to go.

Terezi stabs the cobalt blood in the back, killing her. Vriska’s death is judged just. She does not come back to life.

Only Terezi, Gamzee, Sollux, Kanaya, and Karkat remain.

The ghost of Vriska meets a ghost of John in a dream bubble. They drift through their old memories for a long time before he recalls how he died. He is a doomed John who met his denizen Typheus.

troll jegus

Karkat’s ancestor, the Sufferer, was the spiritual leader of a heresy that challenged the brutal caste structure supporting Feferi’s ancestor, the Condesce, empress of the trolls. In his lifetime he was called the Signless.

The Signless shared Karkat’s bright red blood. When he fell to Alternia as a grub, no lusus would adopt him. He survived in the care of the Dolorosa, Kanaya’s ancestor, who had to raise him in secret. After pupating, he had visions from another life in which Alternia was peaceful and kind. But they were not exactly visions of Alternia.

Karkat’s session began on the flip side of a Scratch. There was another Sgrub session in which the Signless and his friends were the players while Karkat and his friends were the ancestors. They lived in a world untroubled by Doc Scratch’s guidance. When these softer trolls played Sgrub, they failed and found themselves at a dead end. The game offered them a second chance at the price of oblivion. By resetting their session, they would let their ancestors play and their roles would be reversed. After completing the Scratch, they lived only in the Signless’s lucid memories.

The Signless preached his vision of peace and gained many followers including Nepeta’s ancestor the Disciple and Sollux’s ancestor the Ψiioniic. Their movement spread throughout the galaxy before the highbloods suppressed it.

The Signless was caught, wedgied, flogged, and left to die in red hot irons. His last breath was a cry of limitless rage.

The Disciple was also condemned, but Darkleer disobeyed and spared her. In hiding, she painted the Sufferer’s gospel. Ages later, their followers secretly prepared for the Sufferer’s descendant so that he would have a sign and a lusus despite his blood.

the vast glub

Her Condescension drafted the Ψiioniic into her galactic campaign. He became the Helmsman, propelling her flagship through the cosmos faster than light with his telekinesis. They spent millennia expanding the empire, conquering every alien race they met.

The Condesce kept her subjects in line by threatening to make Gl’bgolyb sing. But when she flew too far from Alternia, her bond with the leviathan lusus faded. The Reckoning came, wounding Gl’bgolyb just as the last players were entering the Medium. The Vast Glub killed every troll in the galaxy except the Condesce and Feferi.

The Condesce steered back to Alternia. She arrived home thirteen hundred years later and was greeted by Aradia’s ancestor, the Handmaid.

The Handmaid was the only ancestor to be given a post-Reckoning meteor. Doc Scratch raised her on Alternia’s lime-green moon and groomed her to serve Lord English. Using time travel, she terrorized the entire history of the Alternian race, reinforcing the events that would cause her master to enter the universe. When the Handmaid’s work was done, she approached the Condesce and they fought.

The Condesce killed the Handmaid and replaced her as Lord English’s witch. She will serve English in another universe.

tick tock

Doc Scratch’s job is to usher his master into the troll universe. In order to do that, Scratch has to exist and be powerful. The alpha timeline is full of entities contributing to their own creation, and Scratch is no exception. That is why he manipulates the trolls and kids. But once he has secured his birth and power source, he must see to his death. Lord English must be summoned.

When The Felt fought the Midnight Crew, Scratch’s colleague Snowman was able to torment Spades Slick with impunity because if Slick killed her, the universe would end, and he didn’t want that. But that is exactly what must happen now. The procedure that summons English is a virus that runs when the universe dies.

After unseen events which gave Slick a prosthetic arm and freed him from the vault where he commanded Karkat as an exile, Slick visits Scratch in his apartment on the green moon. He does his best to be a horrible guest with curt manners, egregious womanizing, murdering the help, casual arson, and atrocious candy bowl etiquette. He also breaks the judgment clock just as it is relaying Vriska’s fate. Does this interfere with how Vriska is judged? It’s an open question. Make up your own mind, or perhaps consult an oracle.

break heads

After the clock incident, Scratch beats Slick savagely and sends him away with a suicidal mission and a cue ball handgun.

The Handmaid’s bedroom has a fifth wall, a window between Scratch’s apartment and Hussie’s. After a fight with her guardian, the Handmaid uses this portal to get the Author’s attention. Hussie bursts through the window and decides to suspend Scratch’s narrator privileges. Hussie finds the cue ball puppet telling the Handmaid how she will earn death after countless ages of service.

Doc Scratch goes limp and lifeless in Hussie’s hands. Hussie pulls the repaired disc out of Scratch’s plush body and returns to their own apartment.

Slick finds Snowman in the city he built. She challenges him to kill her, and so he shoots her through the heart. Just as threatened, their universe starts to die around them.

In the Sgrub incipisphere, after blowing up all the planets, Jack Noir turns his fury on the celestial pondsquatter, Bilious Slick, who is the universe of Earth. In the eleventh hour after arriving, Noir hits the universe frog with the Red Miles. It starts to die. The Miles spread inside the universe until the exiles on Earth see them in the sky, thus motivating Noir’s earlier self to escape to where he is now.

The two universes die in a circumstantially simultaneous arrangement that triggers The Tumor.

When Rose, Dave, and Liv Tyler reach their destination in the Furthest Ring, they descend into the crypt in the core of Derse’s moon. They find two sacrificial slabs there, one for a hero of Light, the other for a hero of Time. There is no slab for Liv. When the kids place The Tumor in the middle of the crypt, it sheds its yin yang shell, revealing a mechanism with a red side and a blue side. The red side is linked to the fate of their universe while the blue side is linked to the fate of the trolls’ universe.

Rose and Dave stand on their slabs and wait for The Tumor to detonate. When it does, it creates the Green Sun. In navigating the perverse Furthest Ring, they had unknowingly come to a point in spacetime before the Green Sun existed. The belief that they would destroy it was a mistake in Rose’s plan, one that Doc Scratch did not bother to correct.

The Green Sun explodes into being, killing Rose and Dave in their crypt.

honk honk

The surviving trolls join Terezi on the roof of the meteor in anticipation of the critical moment when they will escape the Veil and the wrath of Jack Noir. They are waiting for a beacon from the Furthest Ring.

The others are not sure what to do about Gamzee, who is still in scary murder mode. They entertain various romantic impulses, but it is Karkat who takes the initiative. Karkat offers Gamzee his moirallegiance and calms his juggalo ass down with the tenderness and grace of a true palemate.

Light from the Green Sun arrives, showing the trolls the way out of their session. Sollux propels the meteor toward the beacon with all his psionic energy. The gold blood violently overexerts himself and dies.

Jack Noir sees the beacon too, but does not give chase in the critical moment. While the meteor escapes into the Furthest Ring, Jack is distracted by the arrival of his vengeful mirror image. The Prospitian Monarch has followed Jack to the troll incipisphere carrying the mortally wounded Vagabond and wearing the White Queen’s ring.

Like the Castores of legend, Sollux’s ghost is only half-dead. He leaves his dream bubble and joins Aradia, who is waiting at the Green Sun for friends to arrive. Their patience is rewarded when Rose and Dave rise up out of the Sun as the god-tier Seer of Light and Knight of Time.

In the Great Undoing, we see what Doc Scratch meant when he said he was an excellent host.

Scratch’s apartment has been transported into the Green Sun when the virus executes. Lord English bursts out of Scratch’s body and cue ball head. He is a green demon with pool ball eyes and a cue stick leg. He takes his Cairo Overcoat from between Hussie’s portals, speaks the hideous Vast Honk, and leaves to prey on an entire dead universe.

piece out num fuks

Act 5 Act 2 by date posted
datepagescenes and eventsadventure log
September 19 2010 2626

Act 5 Act 2.

Cinematic 39: Hate at First Sight.

[S] ACT 5 ACT 2 ==>

September 20 2010 2627

Karkat confesses his hate for John.


Karkat: Troll this worthless human.

September 21 2010 2629

Karkat invades Rainbow Assgrab Junction.

Terezi: Open memo.

September 22 2010 2630

John’s rocket-board-propelled flight from the Veil ends with a gentle crash on Lowas. Vriska fails to wake him.


John: Land already.



Vriska: Manipul8 this worthless human.





September 23 2010 2639

Liv in tow, Dream John explores the Battlefield.

Trying again, Vriska wakes John, denying him a reunion with Dad. His dreamer vanishes, dropping the Ring of Orbs Fourfold.





John: Reunite with your loving father, and also scarf lady.


Vriska: Try harder.





September 24 2010 2650

Mom consoles Dad.

Vriska trolls John about her tangled we8. A pyxis delivers John’s Sburb server copy.

Jade’s dreambot-boom-propelled flight from her house ends with a bounce on a well-placed bed. She falls asleep again.




John: Answer troll.

John: W8 around for a few minutes.



Jade: Land already.


September 25 2010 2659

Wandering among his slain comrades, the Villein finds a Ring of Orbs Fourfold.

John rights the rocket board and flies to his house.

WV?: Survey casualties.


John: Prepare for flight.



John: Return.


September 26 2010 2666

Vriska trolls John about his ransacked block. John gives offensive cleaning apparatus the boot.


John: Dispatch these pests.

John: Examine room.

John: Examine computer.

John: Examine Posters.


Vriska: What's his deal????????



John: Discard sordid receptacle.

John: Exit to balcony.



John: Assail rogue.


September 27 2010 2681

John pesters Rose about server play.

John: Look up.

John: Pester someone's server player.

September 28 2010 2683

Rose ruins a turtle temple. Turtles fly.






Rose: Investigate.



September 29 2010 2691

Kanaya volunteers to troll Rose, who makes an appalling first impression.


Rose: Answer.

Rose: Be the troll girl.

Kanaya: Confer with leader.

Kanaya: Troll the Rose human.

Kanaya: Open viewport.

Kanaya: Keep viewing.




Kanaya: View the past.


Kanaya: Enter name.


September 30 2010 2705

Kanaya makes the most complicated mess out of everything imaginable.

Kanaya: Troll the John human.






Kanaya: Troll Rose human again.


Kanaya: Explore this human emotion called friendship.


Kanaya: Troll the Dave human.

Kanaya: Have seventh conversation.

October 1 2010 2717

Rose blows up the Snarky Horseshitometer.

Kanaya: Hop to 8=8.




Kanaya: Have eighth conversation.


October 2 2010 2723

Vriska trolls John about looking like a weenie Boy-Skylark.

John: Make backup computer.

John: Reunite with loving fatherly comedian themed laptop.


October 4 2010 2726

Kanaya trolls Rose about her reckless investigation.

Vriska helps John alchemize a hot new look.

Kanaya: Have sixteenth conversation.






John: Empty sylladex.


John: Hurry up!

John: Blast off.


October 5 2010 2737

John catches up with Dave.

John: Pester someone's server player's server player.

October 6 2010 2738

Dave scams the Lohac Stock Exchange.

Dave: Make a goddamn killing in the LOHACSE.



Dave: Receive transfer from John.

October 7 2010 2742

Terezi trolls Dave about playing along with stable time loops.

Dave: Answer.

October 11 2010 2743

Previously: from the roof of the lab, Terezi witnesses Prospit’s destruction.

Dave: Be the troll girl.

Terezi: Sniff Skaiaward.

Terezi: Deploy smelloscope.

Terezi: Take a whiff.



October 12 2010 2749

Terezi returns to find Kanaya cutting off Tavros’s legs. Her Rainbow Rumpus friends say Derse will be destroyed too.

Terezi: Return to party.




Terezi: Report news to partytown subscribers.

Terezi: Open memo.

October 13 2010 2755

Terezi receives a money transfer. Sollux traces it to the universe they bred.

Terezi: Wait for this important thing to happen.

Terezi: Accept transfer.

Terezi: Lick screen.


Terezi: Confer with network administrator.




October 14 2010 2763

Sollux, Feferi, and Terezi watch baby Dave grow up. Maplehoof is slain in the landing.

Terezi: Examine douthchebag.


Terezi: Observe coolkid.





Sollux: Enter name.


October 15 2010 2772

Terezi introduces herself to young Dave.

Months later, for him: he meets some friendly crocodiles. They try to eat him.

Terezi: Troll this awesome coolkid.

Terezi: Be the awesome coolkid.

Dave: Pester Terezi.

October 16 2010 2775

Dave gives himself the go-ahead to collude with Terezi.

Dave: Change into Four Aces Suited.




October 17 2010 2779

Terezi invites Dave to a mother fucking dance party.





October 18 2010 2783

Karkat butts in on the tail end of Dave and John’s conversations with their patron trolls.

Cinematic 40: Nicolas Cage.


John: Pester Vriska.



[S] Vriska: Watch street tough maverick with nothing to lose

October 20 2010 2788

Karkat trolls John and Dave about the mindfuck murderthicket of shithive broads they blundered into.

John: Answer Karkat.

Dave: Answer Karkat.

John and Dave: Respond to memo.

October 24 2010 2791

Passed out on the floor, Karkat has his first deathnap.

Karkat: Be Past Karkat.

October 25 2010 2792

Minigame 5: Veilbound, Level One.

Karkat wakes to find everyone buzzing about the humans. He, Terezi, and Vriska explore the lab.

Nanna pies John.

[S] Past Karkat: Wake up.

John: Connect to Jade.

John: Deploy... huh?


October 26 2010 2796

Nanna gives John a pendant for summoning her.








October 27 2010 2803

Chumps hound Rose.


Rose: Get hassled.

October 28 2010 2805

Eridan’s computer blows up. Soulbot Aradia doesn’t.

Rose: Answer Eridan.



Rose: Answer Aradia.


Aradia: Randomly explode.

October 29 2010 2811

Nepeta asks to troll Jaspersprite again.


Rose: Answer Nepeta.

Rose: Summon mystery fellow.


October 30 2010 2815

Jaspersprite asks Rose to reconsider her quest.

Chumps line up to troll Dave. He starts by giving Gamzee a crisis of faith.

Rose: Give Jaspersprite laptop.


Dave: Get hassled.

Dave: Answer Gamzee.

Gamzee: Watch.



October 31 2010 2822

Gamzee falls in hate with Insane Clown Posse.


November 1 2010 2823

Next up is Equius, who ponders the human class structure.



Dave: Answer Equius.

November 2 2010 2826

Dave smashes Caledfwlch out of its stone while trading weird raps with Equius.

Dave: Pull sword out of thing.




November 3 2010 2830

Dave’s audacity flusters Equius.


Equius: Dry off.

Dave: Take legendary POS.

November 4 2010 2833

Terezi gets the party started. Vriska puts Dave to sleep.

Dave: Answer Terezi.


Dave: Summon Davesprite.





November 5 2010 2840

Davesprite fights off Hephaestus’s minions.

Davesprite: Defend.

November 7 2010 2841

Jack removes Bro’s sword intact from the Beat Mesa and flies away.

Jack: Examine.







November 10 2010 2848

Cinematic 41: The Furthest Ring.

Dream Dave stares into the Furthest Ring.

In her first deathnap, Jade dreams of Squiddles and then meets Feferi and the Horrorterrors.

Feferi trolls her about dream bubbles.

[S] Jade: Wake up.


Jade: Answer.

November 11 2010 2851

Jade loses patience with Karkat’s hideous self-loathing.

Jade: Pester Karkat.

Karkat: Open memo.

November 12 2010 2853

Jade grows out of her reminders. John connects to Jade.

Jade: Consult reminders.

Jade: Remove reminders.



Jade: Head home.

John: Be the someone who is Jade's server player.

November 13 2010 2859

John deploys Jade’s alchemy gear.

John: Deploy cruxtruder.



John: Deploy totem lathe.





John: Deploy alchemiter.

November 14 2010 2868

Jade pesters John about what happened on the Battlefield.

Jack flies to Lowas.

Jade: Go inside.



November 15 2010 2871

Jack challenges Bro.

John and Jade contemplate the prototyping possibilities.







John: Open cruxtruder.




November 16 2010 2881

Davesprite joins Bro in the face-off.







November 17 2010 2887

John narrowly avoids prototyping the stuffed Typheus minion.

Jade: Proceed to stairwell.

John: Yank monster off of thing.


Jade: Go upstairs.

November 18 2010 2891

Bro and Davesprite attack. Jack unleashes the super deadly red shit.










November 19 2010 2900

The oily sea of Lowas catches fire.

Rose studies Skaia’s final form.





November 20 2010 2904

John pesters Rose for prototyping advice.

A friendly crocodile answers when Jade tries pestering Dave.

Dave and Rose spy on each other.

John wakes in the oily sea with no idea how he got there.

Rose: Answer John.

Jade: Examine punched card.

Jade: Carve totem.

Jade: Pester Dave.


Dave: Visit paradox sister.





Rose: View John.

John: Wake up.



John: Pester Jade.


November 21 2010 2920

Rose pesters John about escaping the fire. They talk about her progress as a Seer.

John: Equip goggles.

John: Answer Rose.

John: Look to your right.

November 22 2010 2923

Karkat trolls John about the terrible thing he did.



John: Answer the one who hates you.


November 27 2010 2927

Cinematic 42: Bête Noir.

An enormous meteor threatens Jade’s island.

Jade alchemizes her entry item, a Bec piñata and blindfold.

John almost prototypes Jade’s kernel with a Daughter of Eclectica when Vriska puts him to sleep and he drops the doll. Bec teleports Grandpa’s grand foyer junk into outer space and dumps himself into the kernelsprite.

Blindfolded, Jade swings her rifle butt around. When she connects with the piñata, it blows her out of the atrium window.

Becsprite attacks the meteor, engulfing the Earth in an apocalyptic wave.

Falling from the house, Jade fires her rifle. Becsprite ports the bullet at the piñata, smashing it. Jade and her house enter the Medium.

Bro and Davesprite battle the Slayer. They are evenly matched until Jack’s ring receives the final prototyping. He turns into Bec Noir.

His hand bloodied by unseen events, Bec Noir appears before the trolls in their moment of triumph and destroys the portal to the Ultimate Reward. Soulbot Aradia transportalizes the other trolls to safety. Noir tears the soulbots apart.

Dream Karkat wakes, sees Noir, and in the next moment dies when Noir destroys Prospit.

Jade plummets through the falling snow of her new land.

[S] Jade: Enter.

November 28 2010 2928

Having murdered Bro, Bec Noir takes his shades and Lil Cal for trophies. Davesprite hides in his pendant.







November 29 2010 2934

Karkat trolls John about the consequences of Bec’s prototyping.

The Questant uncovers a keyhole to which she has the key, flipping a switch on a derelict control panel. Pieces converge from every corner of post-reckoning Earth to assemble a Bec-head station, which slams into the frog icon atop the Mystic Ruins.

The Vagabond recalls seeing John on the Battlefield.










WV: Examine fourth station.

WV: Examine pumpkin.

WV: Examine ring.

WV: Remember.


November 30 2010 2948

The Vagabond returns to John’s terminal and finds him in the oily sea. Failing to get John’s attention, the Vagabond presses the Caps Lock button, trapping himself and Serenity in the cork station.



WV?: Defend treasure.


John: Wake up again.



WV: Command the thief's apprentice.

sir john, i have politely returned.

oh dear. the purple text human again?

what about the green text human, that one was nicer.

drat. please continue to solicit her graciously, good john.

why are you on a small rock? are you in peril, sir?

the master thief! is that who you are talking to now, john?

i don't like the gray text knight. it is an unpleasant human

john, stop talking to the gray text not human immediately.

stop stop stop stop stop stop stop.

WV: Push it.




December 1 2010 2969

Vriska trolls John about rising to greatness.






Apprentice: Answer thief.



December 2 2010 2977

WV begs John to make the breeze happen. John whips up a great wind that puts the fire out all over his planet.









December 3 2010 2985

Dream Dave reads Charles Dutton’s Dream Bubbles.

On the date of baby Jade’s delivery, Dutton slept and saw God’s forge in frost.

Dave: Snoop.



December 4 2010 2988

Cinematic 43: Land of Frost and Frogs.

[S] ==>

December 5 2010 2989

Sleeping Jade and dead Feferi relive their first conversation in a stable dream bubble.



Jade: Answer.




Jade: Wake up again.


Jade: Get out of bed.

Jade: Pester John.

Jade: Climb.

Jade: Turn around.

December 6 2010 3001

Pseudogame 15: Strife with the Uranium Imp.

An imp teleports Jade all over the Medium. Becsprite goes nuclear on the imp.

The Mendicant tries to talk to Jade; this is when her terminal exploded.

[S] Jade: STRIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!




Jade: Level up!

Jade: Thank best friend.





Don't I know you?



December 7 2010 3014

The Questant eases the Mendicant into her new role as Prospitian Monarch.

Jade returns to a home in ruins.

PM: Rule.


WQ: Approach queen.


PM: Appoint royal advisor.


Jade: Return.


Jade: Go upstairs.

Jade: Retrieve lunchtop.

December 8 2010 3024

With John preoccupied by his windy quest, Dave takes the reins as Jade’s server player.

Jade: Answer Dave.


Jade: Deploy laserstation.

Dave: Eject disc.

Dave: Scan.

Dave: Read code.

Dave: Duplicate disc.

Jade: Go downstairs.

Dave: Deploy and upgrade.


December 9 2010 3034

Rose pesters Dave about the Horrorterrors’ petition.

Dave: Wake up.

Dave: Retrieve shades.

Dave: Answer Rose.


December 10 2010 3039

Rose describes the Furthest Ring, the Green Sun, The Tumor, and Doc Scratch.

Kanaya makes a wand for Eridan and tries for the last time to dissuade Rose.







Rose: Answer fairy god troll.



December 11 2010 3048

Tavros trolls Jade about leg-based self esteem and asks to commune with Becsprite.


Jade: Answer fairy god troll.










December 12 2010 3059

Vriska leaves her psychic fingerprints all over the kids’ session.

Thief: Tear into Page.






December 13 2010 3065

Tavros prepares to stop Vriska.

On the other side of the fourth wall in Grandpa’s spooky old lab, the author of Homestuck rides Falcor to victory.

The windy thing subsides. John surmounts his echeladder.

Page: Retrieve arms.





AH: Ride.

Hell yes.




Heir: Level up.

Air: Cloud up.



December 15 2010 3079

Minigame 6: The Salamanders.

John visits a consort village. Vriska trolls him about his Quest Bed.

[S] John: Enter village.

John: Proceed to Quest Bed.

December 16 2010 3081

John reaches his Quest Bed and asks Vriska to put him to sleep on the slab.

Bec Noir murders the sleeping child.

Cinematic 44: Heir of Breath.

Fireflies flock to the slain boy and the posts of his Quest Bed light up.

On the Battlefield, Dream John rises up to godhood in a burst of light shining clear across the Medium. Resurrected as a God Tier player, the Heir of Breath takes to the sky.

The Vagabond grieves, not understanding that he has witnessed these events in reverse.

John: Take legendary nap.







December 18 2010 3089

One Dave sleeps on his Quest Bed. Another Dave stands over him, sword drawn.



December 19 2010 3091

Terezi explains how she tricked him into making a decision that would spawn a doomed Dave.

Dave: Pester Terezi.




December 20 2010 3095

Dave refuses the call of godhood.

Vriska lies mortally wounded in the wake of Soulbot Aradia’s beatdown. Hearts Boxcars asks Tavros to kiss her.

Dave: Show him your stabs.











December 21 2010 3106

Vriska controls Tavros’s hand to write him instructions in her own blood. Obeying, Tavros carries her to her Quest Cocoon but hesitates to give her a merciful death.

Refusing Snowman’s easy way out, Vriska begs Tavros to kill her willfully.
















Steal his will.

December 22 2010 3122

Tavros turns tail and leaves Vriska to die alone. She rises up to godhood, becoming the Thief of Light.



Take her out.

Finish her.

What are you.




Rise up, Thief.

December 23 2010 3131

Snowman departs from her station.

Trapped in the unpowered cork station, the Vagabond decides to wait for the fuel he ate to pass out of his system.


Snowman: Escape.


WV: Escape.



WV: Examine treasure.

WV: Search for power source.

Jade: Prepare for imminent windfall.


December 24 2010 3141

Jade alchemizes Christmas.

shit. lets be santa

Jade: Draw conksuck boot.

Jade: Deck halls.

Jade: Alchemize.

Jade: Make earmuffs.

Jade: Just draw some earmuffs.

Jade: Combine earmuffs and lunchtop.

Jade: Combine Johnny 5 and lunchtop.


Jade: Combine Iron Man armor and outfit.


Jade: Combine one of grandpa's beauties and outfit.


Jade: Combine Rose's crystal ball and magic cue ball.


Jade: Combine Rose's crystal ball and magic 8 ball.

Jade: Combine crystal ball and glasses.

Jade: Combine sooth specs and lunchtop.

Jade: Combine furry trophy, lunchtop, and shirt/shoes.

Jade: Combine Dave's Midnight Crew poster and rifle.

December 25 2010 3161

Jade alchemizes Duttlemas.

Jade: Combine Charles Dutton and squiddle.


Jade: Sketch particle accelerator.

Jade: Combine rifle, iron lass suit and particle accelerator


Jade: Combine mummy and MC poster and outfit.

Jade: Combine green sun bedsheets and girl's best friend.

Jade: Combine dress of eclectica, Felt poster, and 8 ball.

Jade: Combine mecha, streetsweeper, and iron suit.


Jade: Combine Dutton and sooth specs.



December 27 2010 3174

Eridan trolls Jade about a legendary piece of shit.


Jade: Answer this douche bag.

December 28 2010 3176

Jade tosses out the legendary relic without equal.

Soulbot Aradia makes her goodbyes and explodes.

Jade: Make this legendary piece of shit.

Jade: Throw LPOS outside with the trash.





Sollux: Answer Aradia.






December 29 2010 3188

Doomed Dave gets off the slab. Noir promptly murders him. Terezi grieves.


Doomed Dave: Wake up.

Doomed Dave: Pester Terezi.





Terezi: Abscond.

December 30 2010 3196

Jade peeks at her friends through the space goggles and pesters Dave about Doomed Dave.

Jade: Employ junior compu-sooth spectagoggles.

Jade: View John.

Jade: View Rose.


Jade: View Dave.

Jade: View Davesprite.


Jade: View missing Dave.

Jade: Pester a Dave.

December 31 2010 3205

Jade brings her dead dreamer back as Jadesprite, who flips the fuck out.

At the critical moment, Gamzee watches the ball drop.

Jade: Do what you're about to do.

Jade: Pester Tavros.


Jade: Go upstairs to laboratory.

Jade: Summon dog.




Jade: Say hello.







Lab: Drop.

January 1 2011 3221

The lab falls, rolls down the hill, and comes to rest next to a stump of dismay.





January 2 2011 3225

The author of Homestuck introduces us to the classy Prospitian Ms. Paint.

Recap 3: Act Five So Far.

Hivebent; A5A2; John and Karkat; Veilbound; Prospit Karkat; deathnaps; Karkat trolls backwards; auspistice Jade; the biggest meteor; John and Dad; John and Vriska; friends brief John; Jade’s kernel; Becsprite; the oily sea; alpha timeline rigidity; the Windy Thing; the Quest Bed; the Heir of Breath; the Vagabond corked; Rose’s sources; snarky horseshit; the Green Sun; Doc Scratch; The Tumor; baby Dave; LohacSE; cultural exchange; Caledfwlch; Dave and the Gods; fraymotifs; Terezi offers godhood; Dave refuses; Lofaf; Dave serves Jade; stopping Jack; dreambubbles; Karkat vs. Karkat; Jade enters; dead Feferi; the uranium imp; Tavros and Becquerel; the Quest Cocoon; Vriska’s treachery; Ahab’s Crosshairs; the spectagoggles; Jadesprite; the most important character; the author; the ribbon; the recap.



Lord English: Reveal yourself!!!!!

AH: Don't actually turn out to be LE.

AH: Disrobe.


AH: Retire to study.

AH: Greet Ms. Paint.

AH: Go check out Cal.

AH: Pull up to the old underwood.

AH: Bust out shitty self portrait.

AH: Apply duds.

AH: Begin typing.

Recap 3.

Highlighting all that white text crashed my browser.

January 3 2011 3240

Jadesprite bemoans her resurrection.





January 4 2011 3244

Jadesprite’s refusal to fight Noir angers Jade.






January 5 2011 3249

Karkat gets Jade to admit that they have something in common.


Jade: Answer patron troll.


January 6 2011 3252

Karkat delivers a message from Future Jade.



January 7 2011 3254

Serenity slips out of the Vagabond’s station to get help.

The Questant asks the Monarch to take the exiles to a new land. Serenity interrupts, but they do not understand her blinking.

The Renegade starts rigging the mobile stations for demolition.

Jade: Examine 4th wall.

Jade: Turn it off.



WV: Build a fort.

Serenity: Go get help.

WQ: Advise Prospitian Monarch.








Serenity: Blink for help furiously!


AR: Prepare to tidy up.


January 9 2011 3272

In the Vagabond’s sleep, the ring’s animalistic power calls to him in Serenity’s language. For a moment he imagines being a Sovereign Slayer to rival Noir, but then buggy Vriska intrudes on his dream and claims Noir for her own.

WV: Dream.






















January 10 2011 3294

Vriska urges the Vagabond awake.




January 15 2011 3297

Cinematic 45: Maid of Time.

Four hours from the Critical Moment, Dream Feferi communes with the Gods. Bec Noir murders her and Dream Nepeta and engulfs Derse and its moon in the super deadly green shit.

Dream Aradia sleeps on a sacrificial slab deep inside Derse. The green shit claims her, making her soulbot explode.

Having died in her Quest Crypt, Aradia rises up to godhood as the Maid of Time. Noir attacks, and she traps him in a stasis field.

An hour later, Tavros charges Vriska with his lance. She gores him on it and tosses him into the abyss. His corpse lands next to Terezi.

[S] Wake.

Tavros: Land already.



January 16 2011 3301

Kanaya investigates Rose’s strange blackout.

Jade forces the trolls to talk to her in chronological lockstep.

Kanaya: View Rose.


Kanaya: Contact future Jade.

January 17 2011 3304

Kanaya explains the Space player’s breeding duties and recalls finding the key to her chastity modus.

Kanaya: Contact past Jade.





January 18 2011 3309

Jade appearifies a frog.


Dave: Deploy cloning apparatus.

Jade: Examine.


Dave: Deploy terminal.


Jade: Appearify frog.

January 19 2011 3316

Jade clones a frog. Kanaya tells of the Speaker of the Vast Croak and of her wigglehood visitor.

Jade: Search for a new frog.

Jade: Clone frog.

Jade: Give him a home.



January 22 2011 3321

Minigame 7: Veilbound, Level Two.

Kanaya prepares to go plant the Matriorb.

Interrupting her departure, Eridan returns and asks Feferi to join him in surrendering to Noir. Sollux takes issue and they duel for the second time.

Eridan wins and knocks Sollux out. Feferi attacks. Eridan murders her.

[S] Kanaya: Return to the core.













January 23 2011 3334

Eridan orbliterates Kanaya’s hope, then murders her and leaves.















Eridan: Abscond.


January 24 2011 3350

Karkat, dismayed, triages the victims. Doc Scratch warns him to watch “the body.”

Gamzee, now more sober than sopored, trolls Karkat and makes psychotic threats.

Karkat: Examine Kanaya.

Karkat: Examine Sollux.

Karkat: Examine Feferi.

Karkat: Examine Kanaya's computer.

Karkat: Highlight.



Karkat: Turn around.

Karkat: Answer.


January 25 2011 3360

Karkat writes one last memo to warn his friends.

Karkat: Open memo.

January 26 2011 3361

Terezi, investigating Tavros’s murder, detects a trace of Vriska’s passage.


Terezi: Examine Tavros.


Terezi: Investigate.

Terezi: Consider suspects.

Terezi: Sniff around for clues.


Terezi: Inspect noise.

Terezi: Deploy forensics crew.

January 27 2011 3370

Terezi steels herself for a corpsesmooch.

Terezi: Draw outline.

Terezi: Dust for prints.





Terezi: Get medical report.


Terezi: Prepare to revive.






January 28 2011 3384

Karkat, Terezi, and Hussie smooch their corpsefriends.

Karkat and Terezi: Revive.


Rufio: Make him pay.



AH: Revive.



January 30 2011 3392

John and the Villein—now a Wizardly Vassal—find Dad’s wallet.


John: Behold puffy oracle.

John: Snap out of it.

John: Take wallet.

John: Read note.

John: Become overwhelmed with responsibility.

John: Check contents of wallet.

WV?: Inspect windy boy's treasure.



John: Empty wallet.

John: Examine contents.

John: Examine photographs.

John: Examine laptop.

January 31 2011 3406

John and the Vassal go for a ride.

John: Clean up this mess.


John: Get in.

John: Buckle up.

WV?: Follow suit.

WV?: Ride.

John: Just do windy thing already.

John and WV?: Ascend.


February 1 2011 3415

John lets the Vassal keep the ring and catches up with Jade.

John: Pester Jade.




February 2 2011 3419

John, hearing from a Karkat in trouble, pesters him back but reaches an earlier, angrier Karkat instead.


Karkat: Contact John.


John: Pester Karkat.

Future Karkat: Retreat into lab.


February 3 2011 3425

Karkat drags Sollux through the lab when a honk spooks him. Their downstairs tumble knocks Sollux’s fang2 out.

Terezi relates Tavros’s murder, but when Karkat replies he only reaches Gamzee.

Karkat asks Equius to help fight the murderers.



Karkat: Answer Terezi.

Karkat: Examine Sollux.

Karkat: Put teeth back in.

Karkat: Contact Equius.


February 4 2011 3432

Terezi returns to the computer room to find one body missing and another bitten on the neck. Her detective skills fall short.

Terezi: Return to computer lab.

Terezi: Sample sauce.

Terezi: Examine horn pile.

Terezi: Examine body.

Terezi: Examine marks.


February 6 2011 3438

Minigame 8: Veilbound, Level Three.

Equius hides Nepeta and leaves to find Gamzee. She wanders out into the ventshafts.

Gamzee indulges Equius’s self-snuff submission fantasy.

[S] Equius: Seek the highb100d.


Gamzee: Subjugglate.










February 7 2011 3450

Gamzee cracks Schrödinger’s Joke.

Nepeta: Pounce.

Gamzee: Turn.

Gamzee: Draw Deuce Clubs from strife deck.











February 8 2011 3463

John and the Vassal crash and continue on foot.


John: Take car.

February 9 2011 3465

John searches for Dad while Vriska trolls him about Alternia’s murder-happy ethos.

Karkat, reflecting on the fate of his friends and ancestors, misses Terezi’s message. Sollux wakes.

John: Proceed to castle.

John: Answer.



Terezi: Message Karkat.

Karkat: Examine equipment.

Sollux: Wake up.

February 10 2011 3472

Vriska recalls finding her ancestor’s artifacts.

Sollux trolls Terezi about going blind and losing the voices in his head.

Something bright jumps Terezi.





Sollux: Pester Terezi.



February 11 2011 3479

Aradia plays psychopomp to Doomed Dave’s ghost.

Dave: Resist great urge to play Bro's Xbox.

Dave: Reset.

Dave: Answer.









February 12 2011 3490

Vriska inspires John to go straight for The Tumor.




John: Prepare to leave castle.


John: 8e cre8tive.




February 13 2011 3499

Mom and Dad take tea on the Battlefield. Noir looms.

The Marquise rel8tes her dalliances with Orphaner Dualscar and the enslaved Dolorosa.

Battlefield: Quake.







Vriska: Read Mindfang's journal.


February 14 2011 3508

In the journal: Dualscar has the slave killed.

In the lab: Vriska encounters Eridan.






February 15 2011 3513

In the journal: Dualscar goes to the Subjugglators, who dispatch the Neophyte.

In the lab: Gamzee joins the showdown. Terezi wakes with bite marks.








February 16 2011 3520

Cinematic 46: The Rainbow Drinker.


February 17 2011 3521

Kanaya, risen from the dead, establishes her superiority over the murderers.















February 18 2011 3535

Kanaya saws Eridan in half.




Shades: Descend.

February 19 2011 3539

Vriska falls in love with Kanaya’s rowdy, no-nonsense brand of ruffianism.

Having murdered Mom and Dad, Bec Noir indulges for a moment in kill-trophy dress-up.








Be Jack Noir.

Jack: Accessorize immediately.

Jack: Take a prize from the lady.

Jack: Trophy binge.


February 20 2011 3551

Noir discards the trophies, keeping only Lil Cal.



February 21 2011 3553

Noir’s Bec attributes prevent him from killing Jade. The Dignitary orders the Droll to do it instead.

Jack: Sniff out new prey.

Jack: Succumb to unfathomable bloodlust.

Jack: Suppress thoughts of unfathomable Snausages.



Jack: Contact DD?.

DD?: Listen to SS?.

DD?: Contact CD?.

CD?: Listen to DD?.

February 22 2011 3562

Noir contemplates an eternity of boredom and then, at Aradia’s hands, experiences it. His impatience gives Aradia a gateway to the Green Sun.

Jack: Wait.

Be future Jack Noir.

Jack: Wait.

Be Aradia.

Aradia: Release him.




February 23 2011 3570

Aradia enters a dream bubble holding one of her doomed soulbot selves, who brought Lil Cal and Dad’s wallet to Alternia for pre-death Aradia to find.




Aradia: Enter bubble.

















February 24 2011 3590

Sollux and the doomed Aradia relive their discovery of the blue ruins.

Aradia: Report discovery.



February 25 2011 3593

Jade joins their bubble.



March 1 2011 3595

Kanaya joins the bubble and relives restoring Lil Cal. Sollux wakes. Tavros joins the bubble and they relive writing the t1ck t0ck 8r8k H34DS code.












March 2 2011 3606

Kanaya and Jade wake. Doomed Aradia relates how she brought the honk HONK code to the alpha timeline. Agents of Derse combined these codes with Cal and the oracle to create Doc Scratch.









March 3 2011 3614

Scratch commandeers the narrative.

Be Scratch.


March 4 2011 3616

Scratch receives Spades Slick in his apartment.





March 5 2011 3620

Scratch answers Rose.







March 8 2011 3626

Rose pesters Scratch about jokes, pranks, and lies.

Be teenage girl from another universe.

Rose: Pester informant.

March 9 2011 3628

They discuss the scratch.



March 10 2011 3630

They discuss god tier death and Lord English.



March 11 2011 3632

A consort presents Rose with a magic cue ball. The oracle prompts her to answer Jade and see her mother murdered.


Rose: Ask.



Rose: Answer.


March 14 2011 3638

Scratch and Jade question the Horrorterrors’ motives. Rose uses the ball to find out.

Silent film 8: Are they Evil?

Kanaya loses Rose to the void.


Seer: Ask.



March 15 2011 3642

Rose goes grimdark.

Rose: Go dark.


March 16 2011 3644

Silent film 9: Rose Flies.

Rose flies away to find Jack.

The author of Homestuck calls a time out.

Rose: Resist urge to seek revenge.




Big Man: Request time out.

BM: Wreck some havoc.

BM: Request ruler.




March 17 2011 3654

Hussie promises to personally interfere with exactly one yard of the narrative.

Silent film 10: The Tumor.





I want to know. Tell me, and please be smug about it.

John: Locate Tumor.

March 18 2011 3660

In the core of the Battlefield, John finds a magic taijitu ball and, carved in the earth, four quest bed symbols.

John: Look around.


John: Look inside.



March 19 2011 3665

John takes The Tumor.

John: Take Tumor.

March 20 2011 3666

Silent film 11: John Flies.

John: Return to surface.


March 21 2011 3668

John and the Vassal meet Liv and the Droll.

CD?: Approach locals.

March 22 2011 3669

John reads another note from Jake and enlarges Liv’s last remaining weapon to make the Warhammer of Zillyhoo.

John: Reunite with Liv Tyler.




John: Retrieve tiny hammer.


John: Read note.


John: Hugen hammer.


March 23 2011 3679

Cinematic 47: Zillyhoo.

[S] All: Behold glory of Zillyhoo.

March 24 2011 3680

The Vassal eats Liv’s tasty monstrositifying eye. The Droll gives her a stylish eyepatch and John sends them all off to deliver The Tumor to the Derse dreamers.



John: Wear the hood. Be the leader.






March 25 2011 3688

Jade fails to pester John. His computer is in Dad’s wallet, which he gave to the Vassal.

John: Bid farewell.



March 27 2011 3691

John follows the grimdarkness.



March 29 2011 3693

Vriska leaves a message with Rose for John.

Minigame 9: Black Rose.

Rose finds John and leads him to their parents’ killer.

John: Approach grimdarkness.


[S] Seer: Descend.

April 2 2011 3696

Cinematic 48: Strife with Jack.

[S] ==>

April 6 2011 3697

Dave finds Bro’s body. Terezi trolls him about his grief and he literally flies off the handle.


Dave: Answer.

Dave: Break.




April 7 2011 3703

Terezi trolls Dave about justice.


April 9 2011 3704

The Renegade’s passion for law enforcement makes Dave say stupid things.


this atrocity cannot go unpunished.

you call it the slammer when you are extra angry at crimes.

April 10 2011 3707

The Renegade rigs the Bec-head station to blow and makes his farewells.

but only while i am away from my jurisdiction.

i have other duties to attend to.

i must explode this ridiculously illegal edifice.

April 13 2011 3710

Terezi dwells on the necessity of taking Vriska down.

Silent film 12: Remove Disc 1.






April 15 2011 3715

Terezi stows the Homestuck Portfolio.


Keep playing anyway.

April 16 2011 3717

Cinematic 49: Objection!

Cinematic 50: Drop Inn.

[S] Terezi: Proceed.

[S] Terezi: Read note.

April 18 2011 3719

Gamzee fucks with Terezi.

Terezi: Wake up.

Terezi: Examine surroundings.

Terezi: Climb stairs.

Terezi: Exit door.



April 19 2011 3725

Pseudogame 16: PhonoGramz.

[S] Terezi: Play records.

Terezi: Remove Midnight Crew record.

Terezi: Examine cover.

April 20 2011 3728

Cinematic 51: Scratch Disc 2.



[S] Terezi: Play tiny record.


Terezi: Captchalogue disc.

April 21 2011 3733

Terezi recovers her Flarping things.

Terezi: Examine chests.

Terezi: Open chest.

Terezi: Wear suit.

Terezi: Open other chest.

Terezi: Hug Pyralspite.


April 23 2011 3739

Terezi reads the note.


Terezi: Look up.

Terezi: Read it.

Terezi: Examine journal entry.

April 27 2011 3743

Silent film 13: Insert Disc 2.

Insert disc 2.

April 29 2011 3744

Cinematic 52: Redglare.

[S] Seer: Ascend.




April 30 2011 3748

Redglare puts Mindfang on trial. Mindfang bends the audience to her will and escapes.







May 2 2011 3754

Mindfang calls in Darkleer’s debt.




May 5 2011 3757

Mindfang’s oracle tells her of the Summoner.




May 14 2011 3760

Cinematic 53: Scratched Heads.

[S] Flip.

May 15 2011 3761

Homestuck Disc 2 is too badly scratched to continue playing. We take it to a scratch doctor.

=> =


Vižit dØctor.

May 16 2011 3764

In the narrow fenestrated wall: a view of Doc Scratch’s home.

Doc Scratch welcomes us into his apartment and begins fixing the disc.

[o] Please come in.

[o] Let's have a look at this disc.

[o] But yes, I can fix it.

[o] Tick.

[o] Tock.

[o] Tick.

[o] Tock.

[o] Both the Seer and the Thief knew this.

May 18 2011 3772

Terezi lets Vriska go.

[o] Tick.

[o] Tock.

[o] Tick.

[o] Tock.

[o] It turned out,

[o] So ends a tale of rivalry.

[o] Tick.

[o] Tock.

May 19 2011 3780

Rose fights Noir.

[o] Tick.

[o] Tock.

[o] Round Two.

[o] Here we left our human Hero of Light.

May 21 2011 3784

Scratch jokes about Rose’s descent.

[o] Compelling, but not particularly challenging.

[o] Tick.

[o] I warned her.

[o] Tock.

May 25 2011 3788

Later, John brings needles to the Beat Mesa.

[o] Moving on.

[o] This outcome was hardly a point of suspense.

[o] How could this moment later come to pass?

[o] And what sort of spectator would you be...

[o] He'd done nothing to earn martyrdom,

[o] Nor had he tasted notoriety,

May 26 2011 3794

Rose dies.

[o] And while I can't give you my assurance,

[o] But not for lack of a devoted mentor.

[o] Instead, he got her.

May 27 2011 3797

In the narrow fenestrated wall: Scratch receives Slick.

Vriska flies to Noir.

[o] Let's find out.

[o] Tick.

[o] Tock.

[o] Tick.

[o] Tock.

[o] Bonk.

May 30 2011 3803

Scratch pretzelizes the Horse Hitcher.

Noir absconds, following her trail back to the Veil.

[o] Tick.

[o] Tock.

[o] Tick.

[o] Tock.

[o] Tick.

May 31 2011 3808

Slick stocks up on licorice candy.

Scratch introduces circumstantial simultaneity.

[o] Tock.

[o] Remember?

[o] Of course.

[o] But the story will.

June 1 2011 3812

Scratch answers Rose and opens his scrapbook while Slick prepares arson.

Noir returns, laying his victims at Vriska’s feet.

[o] And now knowing her position,

[o] But not without a pair of trophies.

[o] Tick.

[o] Tock.

[o] Tick.

[o] Tock.

June 2 2011 3818

Scratch’s apartment burns.

Vriska fights Noir.

[o] Tick.

[o] Tock.

[o] Round two.

[o] The Thief would probably roll her dice.

[o] 8^y

June 4 2011 3823

Matchsticks arrives to put out the fire.

Vriska rolls “Ancestral Awakening,” possibly gaining the advantage.

[o] Tick.

[o] Tock.

[o] Tick.

[o] Tock.

June 8 2011 3827

Slick clobbers Matchsticks. Quarters slays Slick.

Terezi’s sight relegates the preceding events to an immaterial offshoot. She lets Vriska “go” instead.

[o] In round two, the Slayer would be not merely compelled,

[o] Tick.

[o] While I continue to not be a gambling man,

[o] Tock.

[o] I wouldn't bet against her.

[o] Moving on.

[o] Tick.

[o] Tock.

[o] Tick.

[o] Tock.

[o] Tick.

[o] Tock.

[o] Tick.

June 10 2011 3840

Snowman’s sight relegates the preceding events to an immaterial offshoot.

Having killed Vriska, Terezi embraces Karkat. Kanaya and Sollux join them on the roof. Gamzee brandishes the Warhammer of Zillyhoo.

[o] Tock.

[o] Tick.

[o] Tock.

[o] Tick.

[o] Tock.

[o] Tick.

[o] Tock.

[o] Honk.

June 12 2011 3848

Snowman gores Quarters before he can kill Slick.

Ambient 2: Finality.

[o] Honk.

[o] Tick.

[o] Tock.

[S][o] Tick. Tock.

June 14 2011 3852

Slick and Snowman snog.

John returns from a death judged neither heroic nor just and discovers Vriska’s last message to him.

[o] Stop.

[o] Slick... I am serious. Please stop.

[o] Oh my.

[o] Oh my, oh my, oh my. This will not do at all.

[o] Pardon me while I adjust the narrow fenestrated wall,

[o] To redirect the view from this impropriety. Oh goodness.

June 15 2011 3858

The Forge is lit. Jade and Dave collect frogs in the thaw.

Scratch dismisses Snowman.

Cinematic 54: Bad Break.

[o] There.

[o] I am a wonderful chaperone as well as an excellent host.

[S][o] Tick. Tock. Tick...

[o] Stop!!!!!!!!!!!!

June 16 2011 3862

Noir arrives.

Vriska stays dead.

[o] Slick, I can tolerate many things from a guest.

[o] Even atrocious candy bowl etiquette.

June 18 2011 3864

They fight.

Scratch clobbers Slick with the photo album and blows him through the wall. Photos fly everywhere. Slick lands on a rooftop on Alternia’s green moon.

Karkat sends John to Lohac.

[o] BREAK.

[o] HEADS.

[o] And so on.

[o] You let me down, Slick.

June 19 2011 3868

Noir kills Dave.

Scratch reminds Slick to kill Snowman and gives him the murder weapon.

Karkat trolls John about corpsesmooches.

[o] I thought I could rely on you of all people.

[o] To do what it is you do best.

[o] You are not supposed to kiss her, Mr. Noir.

June 25 2011 3871

The apartment is trashed.

Scratch repairs the priceless timepiece.

Karkat and John make rendezvous plans.

[o] Now leave, and never darken my door again.

[o] Will you look at this mess.

July 2 2011 3873

Scratch cleans up.

A bunch of scenes can be read in any order:

Dave and Rose relive a conversation about his prophetic dream.

Vriska and John meet in a dream bubble. He does not remember her.

Jaspersprite offers Nepeta hope.

Jadesprite finds Davesprite on the Battlefield.

On the Dersite ship, the Droll picks the Vassal’s pocket, stealing Dad’s wallet and The Tumor.

[o] This scrapbook is now in hopeless disarray.

[o] Feel free to examine the clippings while I tidy.


[o] ==>

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[o] ==>

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[o] ==>


July 8 2011 3895

Scratch repairs the photo album.

In any order:

Rose relives knocking Dave out and stealing his suicide mission.

Examining their memories, Vriska and John discover he is a doomed John who did not know her in life.

Davesprite tells how he sought Hephaestus.

Liv intercepts the Droll and steals The Tumor back.

The breeze delivers Dad’s bloodied hat to Nannasprite.

[o] Try to make sense of this mess yourself.


[o] ==>

[o] ==>

[o] ==>

[o] ==>

[o] ==>

[o] ==>

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[o] ==>


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[o] ==>

[o] ==>

July 14 2011 3936

A banging is heard without. Scratch grabs a broom.

The Dignitary interrupts Rose and Dave, popping Dave’s figment and waking him on Derse.

Silent film 14: Dave Flies.

Davesprite tells of The Choice Hephaestus offered. Jadesprite sends the Deringer to Derse.

[o] Oh, wonderful. Another interruption.


[o] ==>

[o] ==>

[o] ==>

[o] ==>

[o] ==>

[o] ==>


[o] ==>

[o] ==>

[o] ==>

[o] ==>

July 15 2011 3949

Doomed John recalls dying.

Ambient 3: Typheus.


[o] ==>

[o] ==>

[S][o] ==>

[o] ==>

July 17 2011 3954

fedorafreak, dying, lies on his Quest Bed. Nannasprite tells him a story of her youth.


[o] ==>

[o] ==>

July 18 2011 3957

After reminding the escaping Droll to assassinate Jade, Noir finds and destroys the Vassal’s ship.


[o] ==>

[o] ==>

[o] ==>

[o] ==>

[o] ==>

[o] ==>

[o] ==>

[o] ==>

[o] ==>

[o] ==>

[o] ==>

[o] ==>

[o] ==>

[o] ==>

July 19 2011 3972

Karkat questions Jade’s business with Echidna.


[o] ==>

July 22 2011 3974

Scratch leaves.

Noir: Bad dog. Worst enemy.

Jade relates the bargain with Echidna that let her find the final frog.

[o] ==>


[o] ==>

[o] ==>

[o] ==>

[o] ==>

[o] ==>

[o] ==>

[o] ==>

[o] ==>

[o] ==>

[o] ==>

July 24 2011 3986

Gamzee raps and flirts with Tavros.

The Vassal’s shipwreck falls into a defense portal, exiling him. Liv takes an escape pod.


[o] ==>


[o] ==>

[o] ==>

[o] ==>

[o] ==>

[o] ==>

[o] ==>

July 25 2011 3995

Scratch reaches the source of the banging sound.

Half-ghost Sollux, blind in one eye, joins Aradia at the Green Sun.


[o] ==>

[o] ==>


[o] ==>

[o] ==>

[o] ==>

August 2 2011 4002

The banging continues.

Alone and afraid, Karkat laments making Bilious sick.

The Renegade rappels from the Bec-head station. A strand of Red Miles appears in the sky.

Silent film 15: Cancerous Slick.

[o] ==>


[o] ==>

[o] ==>

[o] ==>

[o] ==>

[o] ==>

[o] ==>

[o] ==>

[o] ==>

[o] ==>

[o] ==>

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[o] ==>

[o] ==>

[o] ==>

August 3 2011 4019

Terezi draws another Cool Kid.

Karkat considers the consequences of his mistake.

Noir turns the Red Miles on the Speaker of the Vast Croak.

[o] ==>


[o] ==>

[o] ==>

[o] ==>

[o] ==>

[o] ==>

[o] ==>

August 6 2011 4027

Gamzee takes revenge on Dave by unleashing the Chucklevoodoos on his universe.


[o] ==>

[o] ==>

[o] ==>

[o] ==>

August 7 2011 4032

Hussie sets up the Yellow Yard between their Fourth Walls. The Handmaid bangs on the Fifth Wall, alerting Hussie to its presence. Scratch shuts off the Wall and gets a chair to the head for his trouble.

The banging stops.


[o] ==>

[o] ==>

[o] ==>

[o] ==>

[o] ==>

August 8 2011 4038

The Fifth Wall is cracked.

The Handmaid lets her hair down.

[o] ==>

[o] ==>

August 9 2011 4040

Scratch and the Handmaid fight. He threatens her with W. O. O.

[o] ==>

[o] ==>

[o] ==>

[o] ==>

[o] ==>

[o] ==>

[o] ==>

[o] ==>

[o] ==>

[o] ==>

August 11 2011 4050

Scratch tells of the ancestors and their sacrifice. The Handmaid surreptitiously turns the Fifth Wall back on.

Ms. Paint fetches Hussie.

Silent film 16: Beforus and Alternia.

[o] ==>

[o] ==>

[o] ==>

[o] ==>

August 12 2011 4054

Hussie crashes through the Fifth Wall.

The Signless remembers, teaches, and suffers. His followers prepare for the Second Signless.

[o] ==>

[o] ==>

[o] ==>

August 13 2011 4057

Hussie grabs the discipline broom.

The Dolorosa rears the Signless. The E%ecutor spares the Disciple.

[o] ==>

[o] ==>

[o] ==>

August 15 2011 4060

Aah! Wolf head!

The Condesce drafts the Ψiioniic. The Vast Glub wipes out their race.

[o] ==>

[o] ==>

[o] ==>

[o] ==>

[o] ==>

[o] ==>

August 16 2011 4066

╭( `□´)╯ ┻━┻

The Doctor rears the Handmaid.

[o] ==>

[o] ==>

[o] ==>

[o] ==>

August 17 2011 4070

Hussie goes in for the kill.

The Condesce succeeds the Handmaid.

[o] ==>

[o] ==>

[o] ==>

August 18 2011 4073


The Author disciplines the Doctor.

[o] ==>

[o] ==>

[o] ==>

August 19 2011 4076

Hussie extracts the repaired disc from Doc Scratch’s inanimate puppety torso.

The Handmaid bounds over the green moon’s rooftops while her future self duels the Condesce on the flagship flying overhead.

Her flight for freedom is short-lived, because


[o] ==>

[o] ==>

[o] ==>

[o] ==>

[o] ==>

[o] ==>

August 19 2011 4082

We ollie out of Scratch’s pad, snopping briefly through sbahj.php on our way to normalcy.



August 22 2011 4084

Silent film 17: Resume Disc 2.

Cinematic 55: Pap Shoosh.

The Knight of Blood calms the Bard of Rage.

Insert disc 2.

[S] Attempt rare and highly dangerous 5x SHOWDOWN COMBO.












AH: Close tome.

September 6 2011 4098

Hussie refuses to recap Homestuck.




October 25 2011 4101

The Droll drops a one-ton Beard Buster bomb on Jade, killing her.

Jade’s Genesis Frog falls into the Forge.

Bec Noir goes ballistic.


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